Chapter 69: The Guy Next Door

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Dedicated to everyone who's read this book and supported me over the three year and a half years this book has taken to finish. Seriously, without your support these characters would never have come this far and neither would I. Thank you so much for everything. The hiatus, etc will all be explained in the epilogue so for now just sit back and read a chapter that's 19,000 words long.

You guys asked for cheesy this chapter is so not my fault so think of this as a birthday present from my side. (I'm seventeen. I started this book when I was thirteen aaaah)


"Shit. Shit. Shit." I curse as I rush out of my apartment trying to wiggle my feet into my shoes as well as not fall flat on my face at the same time.

"I was wondering when you'd get up." Michella comments, leaning against the wall opposite the elevator with her customary cup of coffee, "I'd actually bet on fifteen minutes earlier."

"Are you kidding me?"I say,"You couldn't have woken me up earlier?"

"If I did then I wouldn't have had the pleasure of seeing you run around with your arms flailing like an octopus." She says and then her eyes narrow as she gives me a once over.

"Are you really wearing that?"

"What's wrong with it?"

She scans me head to toe.

"The real question is, what isn't?"

"Hey!" I defend, "I put a lot of thought into this."

"Clearly not enough." She says, "Dad could have picked out something better than this."

"Oh come on he'd worn two different shoes to work yesterday."

Michella shudders, "I know. What if I hadn't been there?"

"He's busy with the deposition." I defend.

"I'm not even going to try to understand what goes on at work for the both of you." She says, "I swear to god dinner with the two of you when you start talking about the work makes me want to jump off a cliff."

"That's coincidentally exactly how I feel about dinners with mom."

"No that's more like stabbing myself with a fork." She says, "Thank god the both of them got a divorce. Handling them together makes me question my sanity."

"Well I don't intend to go near her anytime soon." I say, "I don't know how you do it."

"Talent, pure skill and showing her that no matter how hard she tries I still outrank her in the being the biggest bitch scale."

"I don't know." I say, "I still think she's a vulture with absolutely no sympathy. What she did during grandma's funeral-"

"Yeah I know." Michella says, "I've never seen dad that mad either."

I shrug, "What's wrong with the damn elevator? "

"Did I forget to mention it's not working?"

"What?" I say, "And you couldn't tell me this earlier?"

"I was hoping you'd go back and change."

"I'm wearing this." I say firmly, "Besides shouldn't you go back to your apartment now? Your boyfriend is probably shitting his pants."

"Nope." She says, "I need some space."

"You've still not told him you're pregnant have you?"

She throws me a dirty look, "Don't make me regret telling you."

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