Chapter 8: I Want Peonies At My Funeral

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Ok so whats the first thing you see when you wake up? For me it's my purple coloured ceiling.

Now what I would like to see in the morning is an entirely different thing. Can anyone guess what it is?


So you can imagine my surprise when my wish came true. I mean just imagine you woke up and saw the guy you liked peering at you with his big green eyes.

So I did the most natural thing. I fell of my bed and by fell I mean completely toppled to the ground

Ok so not the most natural thing.I mean falling of my huge bed has to be a challenge but then that was me.

Everyone has a superpower and mine was embarrassing myself in the worst possible way no matter how impossible it may seem.

"Ow" I say rubbing my head.

"Oh my god Clara are you alright?" he asks helping me get up.

I nod. Im not nearly as bruised as my pride.I mean you don't just fall off your bed in front of a guy you like.

Unless of course you're me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask slowly getting up.

"Oh Jake told me that you were awake and asked me to call you..." His voice trailed as he saw what I was wearing.

Which happened to be my Hello Kitty pajamas. Great. Just freaking great. I'm going to murder Jake for sure.

"Umm your mom invited us over for breakfast." he said guiltily, "I'll go down and tell her your just coming."

And with that he walked out slamming the doors shut behiend him.

I rush over to the mirror to check how I looked and lets just say that it was a miracle that Alec hadn't run away then and there.

Usually in a book or a movie the heroine is perfect. Whenever they wake up there is not a hair our of place and their make up is perfectly applied. For some people like my sister who was the glam queen of Seaview High even after all these years these things may actually apply.

She had gotten all the good looks in our family.

But I was nothing like my sister.

You could probably differentiate with columns between two of us and you could easily come up with 50 differences but if it came to similarities there would be mainly three.

We shared the same last name and parents and had blonde hair.

So as I looked at the mirror I saw my hair sticking out like Lisa Simpson hair and crease marks all over my face and to top it all of my Hello Kitty pajamas were pink in color.

Now isn't that just peachy.

I look at my alarm clock and my mouth drops open in shock.

It was 8:00 which meant I had less than half and hour to get ready. Its like this day just keeps on getting better and better.

I quickly take a shower and wear the first thing I find in the closet. Since my mother has come home my closet is filled with new expensive clothes.

My fingers grasp on to a green blouse right on top that has every kind of pattern possible with black leggings.

I apply lip gloss and some mascara(Yes I may be late but i have to redeem myself from the pink hello kitty pajamas.) Although I'm pretty sure I messed that up too.

I run down the stairs to find Jake, Alec and all of our mothers sitting as if they have all the time in the world.

I look at the granfather clock near the table which says 8:05.

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