Chapter 15: Some Things Are Just Worth Remembering

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Authors Note: First part is shit. Warning it will bore you to tears. But Jake fans will love the second part. Sorry once again for the pathetic grammar and spellings. 



"You guys can't go spying on us." Rebecca says walking around as we sat trying to look ashamed in our seats in the bowling alley.

People were staring at us but they had mostly gotten over the fact that we had just tumbled out of a closet and their attention was diverted to Rebecca who looked like she was about to kill us.

"I don't get why this is such a big deal." Samantha reasons, “I mean it's not like, you haven't done this before."

Rebecca glared at her.

"You know what never mind." Samantha says in a small voice.

"Rebecca whatever they have done is wrong." Jeremy says calmly," But it's also not like we had left them any choice."

She looked thoughtfully at Jeremy.

Are you freaking kidding me? She would probably go ballistic if we said something like that because Rebecca had always been like that. Hot headed and stubborn but somehow the guy with god knows how many STD's manages to calm her.

"This is ridiculous." Alec says interrupting my thoughts, “Its not like you guys told us anything, so we took matters in our own hands."

For a moment there the both of them actually looked a bit guilty but Rebecca recovered.

"Okay fine what do you want to know?" she said.

We blinked twice making sure what we had heard was right .

"How about everything." Samantha suggested

"We met at a party and she gave me her number and I called her." Jeremy said.

Samantha had a really weird expression on her face that I couldn’t place.

"That’s it?" I ask.

"Yup." Rebecca said popping the 'p'.

We both look at them trying to fault them but none of us can come up with anything.

"Fine" Samantha said defeated."We'll leave you to whatever you guys were doing."

"Oh the date got over." Rebecca said smiling, “But on the other hand I need a dress for the homecoming winter dance."


The Homecoming Dance is one of the biggest social events of the year. It falls only second to prom. Since it was our senior year it had become a major event. Usually it happened earlier but this time they wanted to make the theme of the ball all wintery so they pushed it back to the last day before are winter break starts. Girls were buying clothes months in advance pouring over fashion magazines. Which meant two things.

1. This was a really big deal

2. They were all seriously jobless.

Till now I had only been to one Homecoming dance during my freshmen year. I was nominated as a princess because back then I was popular as I was Natalie’s friend. After that I didn’t go to any dance or event this school had to offer, may it be prom or homecoming or the valentine’s day ball. I was always found sitting in my room and being a friendless loser which was obvioulsy the better choice. Note the sarcasm.

The real reason I hadn’t gone to anything like that all these years was well, because Natalie had made it clear that I wasn’t invited despite the fact that it was high school dance that was open to all.

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