Chapter 22: An Assinine Manboob with Issues

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A/N: This chapter was posted and then deleted. The first part is the same but the last part is different.


"I am so going to kill you." I whisper in Jake's ear as we sit in the car.

"Don't you think it's punishment enough that you stuck me beside her." He mutters back.

"So Clara." Michella says from beside Jake,"You are dating Jake."

She is yet giving me a look as if she thinks I was a mirage and I would disappear any moment.More like hoping I was a mirage.

Okay so she was in shock.


The thing was that I wasn't. I had to give it to Jake, he was smarter than I had pegged him to be.I mean lets face it why would Jake have picked me if it hadn't been Michella?

Who would piss her off more than her very own spineless sister who she had dominated over her entire life and the one thing she was clearly so hung over.

And it was also the fact that my life is an annoying clichè.

But the other thought apart from killing Jake was curiosity. I mean how good was Jake in bed that she was so hung over him so badly that she barely payed Alec, who was also her ex a morsel of affection.

I really need to cut down on the fantasies.

"Didn't mom and dad tell you?" I say slowly and Jake gives me a small thumbs up and I roll my eyes.

She shakes her head and then mutters,"They must have thought you were joking."


"So for how long?" She asks.

What was she the Spanish Inquisitor?

This time Alec says from the front of the SUV,"About Three months."

His voice is so bitter and that makes me want to choke Jake. Oh god I like him, he likes me and all that is standing in between us and my perfect disney ending is Jake and his huge blonde problem.At the same time I want to jump up and down enjoying every bit of Alec's envious stare.

But it's funny if you look at it,Alec reacted almost the exact same way as Michella did. Green with envy and maybe less shocked and then there was the fact that he wanted to kill Jake while Michella.........

Lets just say with the look she is giving me right now killing would be too nice.

I mean I can ditch him can't I? It isn't my problem that Jake screwed over Michella and got her hung over him.

"That means that -" Michella is interrupted by Jake.

"I asked her out the day I went." He says as curtly as possible.

Michella's eyes widened and Jake simply shrugged. There was an awkward and still silence in the SUV which consisted of the four of us and a driver.I mean it wasn't enough that I had to go through this trip making my sister jealous which is potentially suicidal as it's a sure shot way to get killed but did I have to get stuck in a car with the three of them, while the others were going to stay at the hotel I was going to stay with my parents and Jake and Alec were going to stay with their parents which is why we all got stuck in the same car.

"Wow so you're serious about her?" Michella asks Jake as if I am not there.

I am sitting right here you know.

He grabs my hand and says,"Yes. Although it's beyond me why you care."

Michella's lips tighten. She gives a look that clearly says that she was going to switch to bitch mode. Sorry she was always in bitch mode. This was just her ultra bitch mode.

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