Chapter 32: I Always Hated Barbie Dolls

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"Are you all right?" It was Alec who voiced the question at me.

"I'm fine." I snap at him even though he doesn't really deserve it and it shows in his surprised and slightly hurt look. I'm just so pissed with the fact that I couldn't get anything on my plate because my hands kept on shaking and dropping everything.

"Do you need help?"

Its Jake this time.

"I said I'm fine."I snap at him this time trying to get the bloody potatoes on my plate and mentally telling my hands to stop shaking.

Jake doesn't seem to be too effected with my hulk mode and Jake being Jake decides to ignore me and snatches the serving spoon out of my hand and neatly piles the potatoes on my plate.

"There." He says going back to his food and ignoring everyone else.

I stare at the potatoes suddenly loosing all my appetite thinking that I should have just gone home. After walking out of that kitchen with quite a bang my first thought was that I should just go back and say,"Psych! I was just kidding."

My second thought was to make some excuse and just get out of this god forsaken dinner or whatever it was. My mom had made it clear that I was not part of the family with the Christmas presents that she had asked me to return so then what was the point of me faking smiles and formalities with them?

But then again I was done running away from my problems. Its about time that I just suck it up and face my problems and for once just be brave and stop running away from everything.

So that's what made me put on the calmest face I had and sit back at the table where conversation continued like nothing had happened.I tried my best to look composed but my stupid hands betrayed me as they shook every time I thought of what came out of my mouth.

She deserved it.

Not the way you dropped it.

She ratted me out.

Doesn't an eye for an eye make the whole world blind?

She is the reason I lost Natalie as a friend and she is the reason that my life has been hell for the past four years.

And you are the reason that she lost her baby.

I bit my lip and look down at my potatoes in defeat. Its pretty clear that whatever excuse I made up to convince myself that what I had done in the kitchen was not a total bitch move, would never be true.

But you can't blame me, I broke. I had to break sometime and let it all out. She had punished me enough for my mistake. Enough is enough. The truth had to come out maybe not in the way it came out but it was going to sometime and its better now than never.


I snap out of my reverie and look at Alec who is now using a careful tone with me.

I give him a tired smile in an attempt to push away my thoughts,"Yeah?"

"Are you really all right?"He asks.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I snapped. I've had a long day."I reply back,"And I must look like hell."

"No." He says looking at me earnestly,"I think you look pretty fucking gorgeous."

I blink looking at him. I am shocked at his choice of words and just how upfront he is about it. I don't know how to react to it.

"Well, good for you."Jake says in a tone that is snappy and jealous.

I actually let out a real smile then somewhat revelling in the fact that Jake is kind of green right now.

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