Chapter 68: How You Get the Guy

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Dedicated to Anna Its_Called_Sarcasm, the one who introduced me to Wattpad and singlehandedly ruined my life, future as well as any remote possibility of me falling in love with a boy who is not fictional. No matter how much I say I hate you bitch you know I don't. I just really really hate you.

That aside we both know that no matter how much you hate this book you're still it's number one fangirl and not only do you stalk it more than I do but you can quite literally quote any part of it and you probably know and remember more about this book than I do.

Thanks Anna we both know without you being there to hear my pyscho ideas as well as fantastical new ways to kill Clara, this book would not even be close to where it is now.

And to Katie, thank you for letting me be the Rebecca to your boy drama and thank you for telling me to shut the fuck up every time I start sounding like Clara.

Although maybe that's not such a bad thing anymore.


Running out of there was probably the bravest thing I'd ever done.

Also the stupidest.

Especially when I realized that I'd come with my parents, which meant that I didn't have my car.

And to top it all off Jake's phone was switched off.

Brilliant Clara. Just brilliant. You forgot just how much life really hates you.

Well life can go bloody shove it. I'm going to walk if I have-

"I seriously hope you're not planning on walking to the airport."

I turn around to see Alec standing there with his cap off, his diploma in hand and a grin on his face.

"What are you doing?" I ask,"Why are you here?"

Alec shrugs,"It's to help you get Jake. I believe that's why you ran of graduation right? If not, this would be unbelievably awkward."

My mouth drops.

"A-Are you crazy?" I say,"You're missing your graduation for- what?"

"So Rebecca was right." Alec says,"The really messed up and senseless speech was about Jake."


"Of course I'm right." Rebecca drawls popping up from behind Alec strolling over to Alec's car,"I'm always completley and undoubtedly right."

Then she turns to me,"Are you just going to stand there? Come on! We'll miss him if you don't go now. I don't think your grandmother is going to be able to stop your mother from chasing after you for too long."

I'm just standing there looking at the both of them shock.

"What the hell do the both of you think you're doing?" I say,"You're missing graduation for this. Are you guys crazy? Go back in now."

"Umm no." Rebecca says,"I've invested way too much in this relationship to back down now. I'm going to see to it that you guys get together."

"Rebecca-" I start.

"Don't Rebecca me." She says,"Unless of course you've changed your mind about going after him."

"No." I say,"But you-" I look at Alec and then back at Rebecca,"Don't have to do this. I can't ask you to do this."

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