Chapter 7: The Importance of High Heels

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"Smile," My mom said, as she raised her camera and shot a picture of us.

I doubt that she had noticed the fact, that in the picture, Alec, in the far right corner, was glaring at Jake, as if he was a kid who had been told that Santa was not real.

Natalie, who was standing next to me, had an expression of utter disbelief and horror. I didn't have to be a psychic to know what she was thinking of.

How did drab, old Clara Wilson bag a guy like Jake Henderson?

And I was pretty much thinking the same thing. In fact, out of the four of us, it seemed that only Jake was at ease. His hand was around me, as he stood easily smiling at the camera, the only one unaffected by the announcement he just made.

"In that case, you should know that Clara and I are going out."

I thought I heard it wrong when, he first said it. But, after one look at Natalie's and Alec's face I was sure that what I had heard was true. So I reacted as how any normal person would.

"We are?" I said, looking at his smirking face.

"Yup", he said, as if that answered all of my questions.

Despite myself, I start blushing. God why can't I be one of those people who doesn't blush at all?

I mean, it would be way better than blushing your face off when a really, really hot guy comes and tells the entire world you are dating him.Now, if he wasn't the-guy-who-I-have-had-a-crush-on-since-forever's step brother or if he wasn't purposely doing it to piss me off, by saying it in front of Alec, then it would have been perfectly fine to blush.

But then, again, Jake was under all of these categories.

I was pretty shocked to deny it. Which is why, I was standing in front of my mom, who was grinning like a maniac.I'm pretty sure she was thinking along the lines of the fact that her business deal had been finalized, since I was dating Jake.

"So when did you guys meet?" Alec asked carefully.

"Oh!That's a very interesting story." Jake said."We wer-"

He was interrupted by me.

"Jake I need to talk to you, ALONE." I say, glaring at him.

He moves towards me, as he looks back and says to Natalie," I don't think there will be much talking."

Natalie nods. She was even more horrified than before.

Meanwhile, I brought my foot down on his leg hard.

"Ow!" he yells glaring at me.

"Oops...I'm so sorry." I say, giving him my best evil smirk as I drag him into the kitchen.

"That really hurt you know." He said, as he sat on the chair near the kitchen counter.

"That's your main concern?" I say looking at him, "Not the fact that you just announced that we were dating, in front of Alec?"

"What? I was doing something nice for you." Jake says, shrugging.

"By telling Alec that we were fake dating?" I say, looking at him in shock, "How does that help, anyway?"

"I'm helping you to make Alec jealous." Jake says, rolling his eyes, "And to get your best friend off your back."

"Ex best friend." I corrected him, as I narrowed my eyes, "And why would you help me?"

"I have my reasons." He says, not quite looking at me.

"Wait... You like Natalie." I say looking at him with the same expression Natalie had been wearing, of pure horror.

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