Chapter 64: He's the Freaking Pegacorn

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UNEDITED: Not proofread either so if sentences are just randomly missing or something doesn't make sense let me know so i can fix it later.

This is a boring fillery but important for character development chapter. Sorry guys no Jake in this chapter. This is my let's fix all her side relationships chapter as well as the chapter that will set up the basis for the spin off. Yes, this book has a spin off called Just Ask Juliet which is already up! More details down below and trailer for the book is posted on top.

Around Three to Four Chapters till the end of this book.

It's afternoon by the time I can get myself out of bed. I'm quick to change realizing that my time running away from my problems is over and now I'm going to have to face them all head on and fix the mess I had created for myself.

It's a daunting task and I'm almost tempted to go back to sleep and just hide from them a little longer but I can't do that.

I grip the pen drive and the book as hard as I can, taking a deep breath in.

I can do this.

I'm going to fix things.

I open the door of the room slowly, unsure of where I could find Natalie and thank her for.. for everything.

Natalie's parents aren't home, that much is clear as I make my way down the stairs. I suppose it's one of the things that kept us together as friends for so long, the fact that we both had terrible parents.

But I had my grandmother and though Natalie's parents hadn't quite abandoned her like mine practically did, I never stopped to wonder why she turned out the way she did and why I turned out the way I did it.

Because despite everything I'd always had my grandmother.

My heart twists painfully and I have to repress the urge of panic that comes with me even thinking about what I had found out yesterday.

One thing at a time Clara. You can do this.

I finally find Natalie in the living room. Books are sprawled all over the place and she's siting in-between the jumble of papers and books, her eyebrows furrowed, concentrating on the text book in front of her.

Natalie Anderson was studying.

For a second I almost think it's a joke. Natalie didn't study. The years we had been friends, Natalie never even touched her books.

And yet...

It was just another thing I'd been wrong about.

"You know, instead of standing there and just staring at me like I've just teleported from another planet, you could just clear your throat and say hello." Natalie says making me jump.


"I know studying." She says quietly,"Unusual for me isn't it?"

"I didn't mean it that way." I say quickly.

"Yes you did." She says,"But unlike you I actually have to work to graduate. Not all of us can get into a top notch college with no effort whatsoever."

It wasn't true. Although I could scrape a B without too much effort, I'd always had to work my butt off to be at the top.

"If you need hel-"

"I don't need your help." She snaps at my offer and I flinch.

She takes a deep breath and puts her book down and finally turning towards me,"I'm sorry. It's just that I've been stuck on math since morning and I'm tense. I need a B to graduate."

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