Chapter 67: I Want Everything

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UNEDITED: Third to last chapter and I can't wait to end this. I love my characters to death but seriously just ugh. They are so annoying. How do you stand them?

Anyway this chapter is kind of a filler? Eh I don't know. But I hope you like it!

No way.
No freaking way.

I stare at the picture trying to put two coherent sentences together but all that was ringing in my mind was the fact that my sister-

Oh God I think I'm going to puke.

Michella and Eric.
Michella and Eric.
Michella and Eric.
Michella and-

Yeah no, definitely going to puke.

Eric was the father.
Eric was the one who had gotten Michella pregnant.

Oh my God. Was it just me or was this sounding even more ridiculous by the second?

No, it actually made perfect sense, what was ridiculous that I'd actually believed their shit lie all those months back that it was Jake. That was a lie.

But Eric?
It couldn't be one.

Because there was no freaking way there was any chance that this was a coincidence.

Pictures said a thousand words and this one painted the fact that Michella and Eric were together when she was sixteen very clearly, around the same time when she got pregnant.

Michella had gotten pregnant in New York that much was clear and it couldn't have been Jake for the love of God, only someone who was as stupid me would have believed that lie.

But in the end everything did add up, the fact that Jake had always mentioned a vague mutual friend who had introduced him to Eric. How Michella had suddenly gotten a hold of my camp CD, why she was so afraid of anyone finding out.

I suppose she'd figured out that I had been bullshitting about knowing about the babies father after all. But I still couldn't believe it.

Michella and Eric.

And did Eric really love her? So much so that he would stop coming after us because of her? So that I could finally be with-

I stop for a moment realising what exactly Michella had given me. 

I could be with Jake.
I could be with Jake.
We could finally be together, no Eric no nothing.
I could finally-

And then my happiness frizzles out just as quickly.

I could be with Jake, but what about my grandmother? How could I just leave her?

I couldn't.
I wouldn't.

And I couldn't ask him to stay either. Jake may not have the best relationship with his father and he may not even want to be in charge of the company but it was still his legacy and asking him to leave it behind was not something I was going to let him do either.

It was the only way that Jake would finally step out from the shadow of his father by taking the reigns of the company and running it his way. By proving to himself that he would never be like him.

And I couldn't take that away from him.

But could I keep my mouth shut on the other hand about

It would be so easy. Just to go and show him everything. Michella's letter, the picture and tell him that we could finally be together have that future, have that life together we couldn't before. I'd attend MIT to be closer to him and then join my dad's company.

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