Chapter 4: A Psycopaths Greatest Weapon: A Diary.

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JAKE ON THE SIDE--------->

Ok, confession time, I ran as fast and as far as possible.

I swear to god if Rebecca makes me wear heels ever again I will murder her... and that's putting it lightly.

Come on Clara breathe, I told myself. Yeah, so as you can make out, I was pretty freaked out about the kiss and to make matters even worse... I have no idea why.I mean Alec Evans kissed me!

So what?

It's not like I haven't kissed him before nor have I never been kissed before... Then why am I freaking out? Maybe it was the fact that he had only done it for Jeremy, his best friend, to see if I liked him.

Well, then he should ask me because then my answer would be NO WAY IN HELL. I'm not gonna be some trophy in Jeremy's case of achievements thank you very much.

Alec was a world class douche bag, period. He was shallow, self obsessed and just used girls.

Even as I said that I knew I was wrong. For a girl who didn't know much about him this answer would be perfectly normal and true. But for me, a girl who knew almost everything about him, the answer was just downright ridiculous.

I mean, how could he use girls when he had come half way through his vacation to comfort his girlfriend who hadn't gotten into the college she wanted? It was another matter entirely that the girl had been my older sister Michella who had simply got wait listed for Princeton because she had gotten into Harvard.

He was definitely not self obsessed because he put up with my sister and that was saying something, I mean, whoever could tolerate her much less love her must have been really really nice.

Alec was probably the sweetest quarterback our school had ever seen. He never ever discriminated between the populars or the losers. Whenever his friends would bully someone or shove someone into a locker Alec would himself go apologise right after he made the bully say sorry.So yeah, it was pretty hard not to fall for him.

I shook my head as I reached my house. My first high school party after sophomore year and I was back before ten.

Yay me.

My house was probably one of the biggest houses on the street. It was almost exactly the same as the big brown mansion next to mine that belonged to Alec's father who had bought the house just months before his mother passed away.

On the other side was the biggest mansion on our street. In other words, the biggest mansion in the entire town.It's huge with garages, its rooftop garden and swimming pool that was probably twice the size of mine, pretty much made it the best house in town.

Only one catch, no one lived there. The house had been sold several years back to some really rich people when the Smithsons moved out of the house. Every year someone tried to buy the house but for some reason the owners refused to budge.

So now the house was pretty much branded. Whoever moved into that house would pretty much be the talk of the town. Well, let's hope no one ever moves into that house because if the person who owns the house actually moves there with his family, I'm pretty sure that they won't be talking about the house they owned anymore.

"Darling you are home."

I heard my mother's voice call out.


My mother's voice?

My family is probably the most dysfunctional family you have ever seen. Even more messed up than The Adams family and their sadistic issues.

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