Chapter 53:Because You Promised

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UNEDITED: Eh, you guys are going to have to exercise because of the level of cheese in this chapter.This is so totally not one of my good chapters.

Cover on top:@liamdxnbar

Everybody has a way of losing it completely. Some people would probably get angry and punch something trying to take their anger out on something. Some people would go steely calm to a point they were almost numb not even realising what was happening around them.

And some people would have a complete meltdown crying and become a total mess.

And then there was the Clara Wilson way of losing it and it was a mixture of all three in the nastiest way possible.


Rebecca looks at me unsurely as she takes in my appearance, her eyes falling to the bracelet which I had clasped around my wrist.

I stand up wordlessly not saying anything. I don't know how I ended up back on the floor but to be perfectly honest but I didn't care.

In fact at this point I didn't care about anything.

"Ashley's here." She says,"They've gone to get the doctor so they can give her an update about him. You coming?"

She tried to keep her tone as light as possible but her uncertainty flickers through her voice. But even she knows better than to say his name in front of me right now.

I give her a curt nod and she carefully links her arm around mine but I tug it away.

She doesn't say anything and maybe it's because she's hurt but I can't get myself to actually find out. She guides me to what I could only presume as the waiting room.

I barely register who is there or what they are doing here before I'm enveloped by Ashley into a giant hug. I faintly realise that she's crying and saying something in mind tells me to hug her back.

But I just stand there and wait for her to be done.

"I've called Jeanine." She says pulling away," She's on her way. She's getting Mr Evans too, they are getting on the jet and coming immediately."

I look at her blankly and she looks at me confused,"Clara did you hear me?"

I nod.

She tries giving me a reassuring smile,"I'm sure he's going to be fine. He's always been a stubborn kid anyway, he's not going to give up so easily."

Again I say nothing.

"Clara are you all right?" She asks slowly and kept staring at me expectantly as she waited for an answer.

Well she certainly wasn't getting one from me anytime soon.

"Family of Jake Henderson?"

Ashley's head snaps up as she turns to look at the doctor who had just entered the room. He was easily in his mid forties, his hair greyish holding a file in his hands.

"His mother is on his way, I- I am-" Ashley starts frantically.

The doctor looks apprehensive but he says,"He's got a severe concussion and a dislocated shoulder along with a few cuts, some bruised ribs, nothing too serious. He's in better shape than expected but he's not waking up."

I'm barely listening to what he's saying, my eyes are just focused on the file in his hands which he's currently referring to as he's speaking.

ROOM: 559

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