Chapter 39: The New Years Jaw Drop

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"You look like a zombie."

I feel like one too.

"What? All I'm going to get is a grunt?" Rebecca asks,"No explanation of how you disappeared off the face of the earth?"

"Not now." I groan rubbing my head. It had been a long day and to be honest one that I couldn't wait to put an end to by just going to sleep but I knew that tomorrow was going to be much much worse.

If that's even possible.

"If it makes you feel worse Samantha ditched me too." She says,"She ran off with one of the guys in the party and made me cover for her. You know how scary her parents are, it was an absolute nightmare."

I don't respond as she continues to talk,"And Alec. He disappeared half way through the dinner and came back up like after forever and Jake literally ran out when Alec came back. It was all you wasn't it?"

I quirk an eyebrow at her,"All me?"

"Yeah I mean I figured it the moment you disappeared. You like running away from things so I figured that the tension between them was all because of you."

I wanted to say no. I mean honestly a while ago I would have laughed at this situation.

Two boys fighting over me? Pssht, are you high or something?

But this time I couldn't.

"I don't know Rebecca." I say tiredly,"I've had really long day I need to sleep."

She raises an eyebrow suspiciously at me. She knows me well enough to see right through my clear change of subject but I'm grateful when she keeps her mouth shut and nods.

I go on autopilot after that. I get ready for bed like a zombie not registering what I was doing. I changed, brushed my teeth and then fell head first into my bed.

But I can't sleep.

Yeah cause that's just what I need.

After Jake point black asked me to choose Alec over him, more than anything I was hurt.

Which was just flipping ridiculous.

I mean isn't that supposed to make my supposed "choice" easier? Oh god I seriously needed to reevaluate my life.

You know what both of them can go to hell. To hell with Alec who suddenly woke up out of nowhere and said that he loved me.

I mean seriously what bullshit was that?

And then Jake. Don't even get me started on the asshole, I was probably going to have an anyuresim just thinking about him.Well then I would at least get out of this shit.

And Eric.

I don't even want to go near that topic.

I don't think the fact that something like that had actually happened had registered. Honestly in the past few months my life has been a bullet train that my brain forgot to climb on.

I don't know when I fell asleep but the next I know is that I'm woken up rather rudely by Rebecca.

"What?" I say rather snappily rubbing my eyes.

"It's eleven in the morning and Sam is not back." She says,"I'm starting to get worried."

I quickly shake off my morning daze and focus at Rebecca who is sitting on her bed looking anxious.

"Have you tried to call her?" I ask getting out of bed to go brush my teeth.

"Only about a billion times." She responds,"And I'm scared that her parents are going to start calling if they can't reach her."

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