Chapter 65: We Wear Pink On Wednesdays

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Thinking of changing the cover of the book, which one do you guys like the best? slide left if you can't see it.

Dedication to the wonderful @Noxscrubs for the trailer on top. 

UNEDITED AND BORING. Please point out the mistakes I'll change it.

Lol sorry another filler/broken chapter, except maybe the last part, I'm sorry but I have to wrap up all the loose ends. But I'll update the next chapter soon enough considering that you'll kill me if I don't.

The first day of school after spring break was chaos.

News of Jake leaving coupled with the break up rumors circulating around Rebecca and Jeremy had brought a school to an uproar.

And if that wasn't enough, I'd shown up to school with Natalie Anderson.

Or more accurately she had showed up to school with me.

She'd arrived at my house in the morning when I was about to leave looked quite hassled.Apparently her car refused to start and she'd missed the school bus and the only way to school was a ride with me.

She didn't look all too happy about it but considering the heels she was wearing I could see why she'd picked me over the option of walking to school.

Rumors were all over the place, and according to Rebecca most people thought that we were staging a John Tucker Must Die sort of scenario to take down Alec and Jeremy.

When I'd asked her what John Tucker Must Die was she'd immediately scheduled another sleepover where she promised she would bring the movie.

I was grateful for it because over the past couple of days Rebecca always found a reason to stay over and at times drag Samantha over so that I didn't have to be alone.

Things between Samantha and I were awkward which was understandable considering that we had not spoken to each other in a month and all of a sudden gone back to being friends.

Rebecca had also admitted that she was shocked I'd just forgiven Samantha like that and I had simply shrugged.

If I could let go of over four years of Natalie Anderson's constant bullying and endless abuse sessions, I could just as easily forgive Samantha over this.

It didn't bother me that she almost slept with Alec or kissed him or whatever. It didn't, not one bit.

After all in the end that's what made me stop and reevaluate my relationship with Alec.

I know it was pathetic considering the fact that this probably paled in comparison to the other shit he had done but it was what struck home.

I should have cared, I should have been mad that Samantha did this, I should have been mad at Alec. But I wasn't. I should have been biting back jealousy and spitting fire, like I had done when I used to think Jake had a crush on Ashley.

For some reason just the thought of Jake with anyone else made me sick. It was as if I couldn't physically get myself to accept him with any other girl.

But when it came to Alec, years of him doing the exact same thing, going through girls line they were nothing had me impervious to this, and it had been my poor judgment as well as ignorance to blindly call those girls sluts and God knows what else to justify his actions.

I had no right to do that. But thats what I had done to convince myself that Alec was in the clear. But he wasn't.

I'd spent years covering up for him in my eyes and after Jake he'd done the same for my indiscretions immediately blaming it on him.

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