Chapter 2: Don't Judge A Party By Its Invitation

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"I cannot believe we are going to Natalie's party!" Rebecca said, squealing as she squeezed my hand.

Samantha rolls her eyes giving me a sympathetic look but even she was excited. After all, it was her first date with Matt. It seems everyone was happy.

Everyone was, except me.

Rebecca was ecstatic with her dream to go to a high school party and make out with a random boy coming true and Samantha's first date with Matt, and Natalie had stopped making our life hell which is why everyone was happy.

Well suffice to say I was NOT.

After Alec's and Natalie's public display.I thought that I was going to have a breakdown and probably end up doing something that would land me in juvie but before I could, Melanie King had a breakdown.

There was a lot of screaming and shouting and scratching and pulling. I honestly think Natalie would have died if Alec hadn't pulled Melanie off her.

God how I wish Alec wasn't there.

The next day for the first time in Seaview High history the Gossip Review paper came out on a Tuesday.

The whole controversy was covered blow by blow, including Natalie's history with Alec and, well everything you need to fill 5 pages.

The worst thing was that the front page was covered with a picture with the both of them kissing and everywhere I turned there was a giant close up of their kiss.


Now that may not be such a big deal but Sally Timberlake our editor in chief was about cheap as they get. I mean in the history of the Seaview High Gossip Review nothing had ever come out in color.

I mean it couldn't get worse could it?

The minute the issue had released, every single student in our school ran to the table set up near the office where Sally Timberlake, stood selling the papers.

I swear to god I'm going to kill her right after I'm done with Natalie.

When I said it couldn't have been worse, I had been so wrong. Natalie Anderson who hadn't uttered one nice word to me since Nick's party, is now bending over backwards to be nice to me.

Even Rebecca and Samantha have fallen for her Miss Goody Two Shoes act.

When I went to tell them that this was total and utter bullshit this is how our conversation went.

Rebecca: I'm sure he will dump her in a few months just like he usually does. Till then why don't we enjoy Natalie's star treatment?

Samantha: I'm telling you this is your wake up call. If he has chosen Natalie over you then you should move on. Besides its fun to see Natalie being nice to us. I just wonder how nice she is going to be.

Five minutes later we received an invitation to Natalie's party from the queen bee herself.

Rebecca and Samantha wore the same shocked expression as me but Rebecca was the first to recover and say yes.

Samantha was harder to convince but she was won over the minute Matt asked her to come.

As for me I was thinking about all the excuses I could give her. Rebecca and Samantha argued with me, but I held up very strongly against them, saying no each and every time they begged me.

I thought I was actually going to slip out of this party until Alec arrived. He gave me his trademark smile that made him so popular in the girls department and simply asked me if I was coming to the party and before I could even think, I said yes.

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