Chapter 27: Under the Mistletoe

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The next few days were completely and totally overwhelming. I barely had time to breathe and I think it had something to do with the bridesmaid dresses Michella got for me. It was a pretty gold dress with heels that were bound to kill me but the worst part was that Michella purposely ordered a dress few sizes smaller. I had to give it to my mothers brilliant design and as much as I didn't like her talent was clear.

Unfortunately her talent didn't fit me.

If it had been up to Michella I would have been stuck in the dress through out the wedding but thankfully Jakes mom saw that I was so completely uncomfortable and told me to take it off and she would ask for a new dress.

I swear to god I looked blue even after I took the dress off.

Afterwards I went to my dad's office. You could make out that my dad was over compensating with me which probably explained the incident inbetween my mother and him about the matter of me being arrested. But whatever said and done I pretty much enjoyed whatever I did in the office . It was mostly learning about the different branches and structures of the company and all of its investors.

The Hendersons were once again on the top of that list too.

I can't help wonder just how big an empire like that can be. I mean my fathers company as compared to Henderson empire was almost minuscule and yet his earning margins told me the reason why all of us had an unlimited credit card.

I am exhausted over the next few days with constant rehearsals for the wedding, my mother glaring down at me and never giving me a chance to escape from her line of view. She even took my phone and I would have probably made a big fuss about it but I was to busy to bother.

I didn't see Jake or Alec much to my relief as well as disappointment. Even if I wanted to I couldn't meet any of them. My mom made sure to send a car for me so I had no chance if exploring or going anywhere. I didn't meet either of them in the office and frankly my schedule was to jam packed to even make the effort.

I did feel guilty about my outburst with Alec and I know I had to apologise but for now I just wanted to cool down because we both needed time to process what had happened.

Me mainly being a bitch to him and him mainly sucking up to everyone in sight.

So the next few days passed like that. There was almost zero change in my schedule except for the occasional dirty glare I would throw in my mothers way and carefully construct a plan to kill my sister during my free time.

It was on the 24th of December that anything even remotely interesting happened.

Christmas was a very big deal in our house. Well, at least to my parents and I only found out when the both of them were decorating the Christmas tree in the morning.

I had gotten up later than usual because my dad had told me to take next five days leading up to the wedding off because work during Christmas and New Years was incredibly slow and he had already booked me for my entire summer vacation after graduation to come back to New York.

I hadn't discussed my college application plans with my dad yet because I was yet to take the SATs at the end of January (I had planned to take the last one possible so that I had enough time to prepare) although my SAT subject tests were all sorted out and I had done extremely well in all.

"Clara come help me put the star on top." My mother calls out.

I roll my eyes as she turns around and walk towards her. She had me almost on lock and key for the past few days while her other daughter hadn't come home at night for the past two days. Nice to know that she loved me so much.

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