Chapter 28: Bringing Back Memories Part: 1

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I can't help smiling and touch my lips which are still tingling from the kiss as I finally realise what all the confused thoughts and words jumbled in my head all came to form.

"I - I think I'm falling for Jake Henderson."

Rebecca just stares at me raising her eyebrow.

"And?" She looks at me as if I just told her last weeks news,"I mean it's good to hear you say it loud but I don't see the point."

"I just told you that I am possibly falling in love with Jake Henderson and that's your reaction?"I ask.

"Well, I thought you had already passed the falling in love stage." She says.

"Huh?" I say and she sighs as she grabs my hand and pulls me inside.

"Well, the first step is to admit it." She says.

"You make it sound like I'm doing drugs." I say rolling my eyes.

"Love and drugs,  same thing." She says,"Both addictive and both dangerous."

"I didn't say that I was in love with him." I say,"I just think I really like him." 

She rolls her eyes.

I know it's stupid but for me "falling for someone" is a big thing. Because I am falling for someone who is not Alec. But saying that I am falling for Jake Henderson is in a completely different tangent all together.

"If you are saying this to make me feel better about the Jeremy situation then-" 

"No!" I interrupt,"I really actually mean it."

She smiles,"So say it again." 

"What? Why?" I say,"I would have probably kept my shut the first time but I just blurted it out against my will." 

"See?" Rebecca says almost jumping up,"You are still denying it."

"I'm not I'm just saying it's hard to say it loud." I respond.

"Is it because of Alec?" She says,"I mean come on! He has probably dated the entire planet leaving you out. Don't you think it's time to get over him. Completely?"

"And how do you propose me to do that?" I say frustrated,"It's not easy liking, no! more or less being in love with someone for so many years and just waking up one morning and saying I'm over him." 

"But you are already getting there." She says,"The old infatuated Clara would never have the guts to shout at him or pick a fight with him. The old Clara would have blushed at every sentence he said." 

"I still do." I deadpan.

"No, you don't." She says,"You tell him how you feel to his face. Well, at least when you are angry. Today was a fail though. I cannot believe you apologised for the fact that you don't like it that he slept with your sister. Now that was pathetic." 

"I agree but it really is not my place-" 

"Of course it is your place Clara." Rebecca more or less explodes,"If you don't like the fact that the person you used to love SLEEP with YOUR SISTER-"

"Fine I get the point and ever heard of being polite and not listening to other people's conversations?" I ask.

"Oh please it's me." She brushes it aside,"Now how sure are you that you are falling for Jake? Oh my god! You finally admitted now I can say it without you giving me a death glare."

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