Chapter 20: The Jake I Like.

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"Oh my fucking god." I say looking at the rear view mirror,"Who is that?"

"You like it?" Ashley says,"I always wanted to play fairy godmother."

I am still too shocked to reply.

"Oh come on!" Ashley pouts,"You like modern Cinderella although I doubt your converse shoes will slip off."

"I said help me wear the dress." I say,"Not turn me into a spineless fairytale character."

"Hey!" Ashley says,"You said fashion emergency. If you want help from me then you should have expected a full makeover.So remember Clara the best or nothing "

I roll my eyes and suppress a smile. I was an hour and a half late to the dance and I was most definitely fashionably late.

I was wearing the pale blue gown that apparently went perfectly with my eyes.

I don't even know whats that supposed to mean.

But anyway. Ashley had literally transformed me into something out of a fairytale book and it honestly scared me how different I looked.

My hair was curly as usual but somehow it wasn't frizzing up. Dare I say it:It looked good. She had put layers of foundation and mascara and applied things to my face I didn't know the name off.

I know that I should have been worried but considering the fact that Ashley looks like a supermodel in her casual clothes I wasn't too worried.

I get out of the car bundling up the dress carefully hoping to god it doesn't get soiled.

"Okay!" Ashley says,"I want plenty off pictures and you better have danced. Oh P.S mascara is waterproof just in case there is any drama and your lip gloss and tissues are all in there."

I smile.

"You know Ashley you should meet my friend Rebecca I think you guys will get along perfectly." I say.

Ashley smiles.

"Well, best if luck and your curfew is too not come home before midnight." She says and drives off.

I laugh and suddenly there are butterflies in my stomach.

Oh come on Clara it is a stupid dance.

I take a deep breath in and enter the school not sure who I would be searching for Jake or Alec.


It doesn't really take me long to find the gym. The noise clearly gives it away and plus I doubt that I would ever forget the place that makes my life a living hell.

Okay Clara you can do this. This is a stupid dance.

I enter the gym just as a slow song starts to play and the entire gym is dark. Blue lighting illuminates the dance floor as some cheesy slow movie plays.

and I actually wondered why I didn't come to these dances

Suddenly there is a gasp in front of me breaking me out of my reverie.

A pretty girl is standing in front of me perhaps a junior and making no attempt to hide the fact that she was staring flat out envious at my dress and I am pretty sure Ashley's great make up skills had done everything to make the dress look even better.

As I move forward its like the entire crowd parts in front of me making way for me.

That is definitely more than slightly creepy.

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