Chapter 26: You Can't Beat Me in Sad and Pathetic.

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Jake got sick.

Oh and we got arrested.

"You moron." I say finally taking off the jacket and giving it to him,"I told you that you would get sick."

He rolls his eyes as he says,"Thank you oh great one for predicting the futur — achoo"

He sneezes before he can complete the sentence which just reinforces my statement.

"Like I said moron, now you will be stuck at home during Christmas." I say scooting closer to him and raising my hand up to his forehead to check his temperature.

"I don't really like Christmas it's quite a stupid holiday." He states,"I mean what's the point of sitting around a tree and opening a bunch of presents that a fat man in his red pyjamas has left for you when we all know that it's our parents. Well, parents who actually have the time."

"I think it's the very idea." I say gently putting my hand down,"When the family comes together. Plus Christmas is not supposed to be about presents just the festivity and the entire family is together. I mean that's what normal people do. "

"Now that's a joke." He says drily, "My dad had always worked on Christmas and to make up for that is my mom always throws this extravagant Christmas party and invites just about everyone she knows. My dad has been making me intern since last year because he wants me to join the company straight after I finish my university graduation. The only way I am going to get out of work is by being sick"

"So all in all the only reason I am going to be there during Christmas is because I am sick." He finishes.

"Wow that is pretty damn bleak." I say,"Unfortunately you cannot beat me when it comes to a sad and pathetic life."

Jake smirks,"Okay but at least I can give it a good shot."

I roll my eyes and smile.

"What aren't you telling me your Christmas plans?" He says.

"Well, mine usually consisted of staying alone at home watching whatever was coming on TV." I say,"But that's the good part the bad part is when Michella comes back from her boyfriends house with her whoever she is dating that year after christmas dinner at his house. Since all of his relatives were in their house they came to well uuh be alone."

"Be alone as in...." He implies and I shudder.

"It is not fun when you walk into your living room with your earphones on and you almost sit on them two people who are pretty much naked."

Jake's eyes widen and a smile tugs on his lips,"Well I can't imagine having a worse Christmas."

I wince and screw my eyes shut desperately trying to get the image out of my head.

"It does get worse." I say trying my best not to gag.

"You sat on his cushy spot?" He laughs clearly teasing me.

"Worse." I say.

"It became a three way." He says smirking.

"Eew no." I gag.

"Well I can't possibly think of an-"

"It was Alec." I interrupt him before he can finish the sentence.

His eyes widen for a fraction of a second before he starts laughing. He clutches his stomach and laughs and there are tears in his eyes.

At one point he is on the floor.

"I'm glad you enjoy my pain." I say drily.

He laughs some more until he finally gets a hold of himself and sits back up. His face has turned more or less red from the laughter and he is breathing heavily.

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