Chapter 52: I Fall to Pieces.

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Okay, rant over, Anyway just making something clear all then details of how the accident happened won't won't be really specified here because this chapter is in Clara's POV and she's just really not in the mind frame to care about anything except for the well, obvious problems. It will be cleared later though.

Sorry if this a bit of let down but eh try not to kill me?

"Grandma? Grandma?" I knock frantically on her door trying to wake her up.

"Grandma it's me can you please-"

The door swung open revealing my grandmother standing in her nightgown,"Clara what's wrong? It's the middle of the night."

"It-It's Jake and Alec." I start sputtering out,"They-they're-"

She carefully wraps her hands around me resting her chin on my head,"Clara darling calm down, breathe and tell me what's going on."

"They-they were in an accident.The-They-I-I-can't lose them." I say stumbling miserably over the words.

"Do you know which hospital?" She asks calmly and I force myself to think straight remembering the name of the hospital,"Kingsley Memorial."

"Okay." She nods,"Give me a few seconds I'll be right down. We'll drive down, Okay darling? Just be brave and wait I'm sure they are going to be all right."

I manage to nod as she goes back into her room. I stand in the silent darkness trying to steady myself but I can't.

I'm panicking thinking of everything I said and if I lost them, if they....

Oh god. Oh god.

No stop it!
Enough is enough!
Pull yourself together Clara, for godsake.

They are all right.

I take a deep breath and try to think of what Rebecca had told me. It still made no sense as to how they got into an accident or what exactly had happened.

She didn't know how either of them were, nothing was really being told to them.She was in the hospital with Jeremy and few of the football players who were on their way from the party.

Okay, they're okay.
They have to be okay.

"Clara, come on." My grandmother says taking mg hand and leading me down,"Let's go. Have you taken your phone, in case you get more calls?"

I nod wordlessly.

She grabs my hand and then gives me a small tentative smile,"Then come on sweetheart, let's go."

My grandmother doesn't say anything else as we sit in the car. Kingsley Memorial is at least a forty five minute drive. They must have gotten into the accident while coming back from their game or after party or whatever.

But how did they both get into one? Were they in the same car?

"Clara sweetheart, they're going to be okay." My grandma says softly,"Don't cry, they'll be fine."

I hadn't realised that I had been crying. I wipe my tears hastily and nod,"I know. If either of them died I'll kill them."

My grandmother smiled just a little bit and looked ahead.

And that's when I realise just how done I am with this, whiny I can't decide because I love them both versions of me.

It's because of her, that my last words to either of them were lies, it's because of her that both of them hate me.

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