Chapter 35: It Must Have Cost A Panda

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"Rebecca what are you doing in there its been an hour."

"I'm coming out okay! Just wait." She yells in response.

"Ariel and Nemo are dead because of your never ending shower." Samantha shouts out and I snicker.

"She better be making babies in there." I mutter and Samantha laughs.

"More like a civilisation. " She says and we both laugh together.

Even though it had barely been a day since our small spat it felt like it had been almost a month since we had talked. I never knew that in a span of one day so much could happen and so much could change. Seeing the both of them gave me a strange sort of comfort that told me that no matter how much things changed I still had quirky crazy Rebecca and realistic pessimist Samantha.

Samantha and I had always had our fights and differences although I felt bad when they happened Samantha and I always made up.

So when I had knocked on their hotel room door at one in the night Samantha had opened it. At first I thought she would slam the door on my face but instead she just raised one eyebrow and said,"What died and made you fashionable?"

And just like that I knew we were okay.Rebecca didn't wake up that time and Samantha no questions asked threw me a pillow and a blanket and helped me make the couch where I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.

I only woke up at about eight thirty in the morning because of Rebecca. Her morning schedule was enough to wake up anyone sleeping as it included a lot of shrieking and using the bathroom forever so no one can use it.

Rebecca like Samantha did not question my presence for which I was grateful. Rebecca seemed to preoccupied to carry out her usual interrogation and Samantha wasn't the type to pry unless it was really important.

I was still curious as to why she kept on pushing me towards Alec but with the suspicion I had involved more drama than I wanted and frankly I had seen enough drama in one day to last me a lifetime.

Or maybe two.

I was dreading my confrontation with my mother which I had happily forgotten about. I was only reminded in the morning with a curt message she had sent to my almost dying phone saying

Come home now.

I was so screwed.

"I'm done." Rebecca announces throwing the door open and stepping out in a hot link bathrobe.

I roll my eyes until my eye catches something very shiny around her neck.

"What is that?" I ask her raising an eyebrow.

"Jeremy's christmas present," she says as she fiddles with the necklace.

"Don't even ask about the price tag." Samantha states and I raise an eyebrow,"One would think it was made of panda."

Rebecca scrunches her nose and I let out a small bark of laughter.

"You guys are really immature." Rebecca states drily.

"Says the girl who sticks her tongue out when we tell her that prince charming doesn't exist."I say.

"But wasn't I right?" She says skipping to the dresser,"You found Jake and I found Jeremy. Samantha will probably start dating a really hot actor when she goes to LA and becomes a famous actress."

Jake and prince charming. The thought was almost hilarious.

"I'm sorry but that's where you are wrong." Samantha states,"I don't want a hot actor I want hot actors."

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