Chapter 18: My Life Is Like A Spanish Soap Opera.

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I kissed him back without thinking twice. He pulled me closer sending ripples across the cold water and I hooked my hand behind his neck.

The fact that we were standing in the middle of a lake during winter had completley vanished. All that was there, was Jake and me and nothing else.

My mind was absolutley numb. Not from the cold but from the kiss. His cold hands cupped my cheeks and I ran my hands through his damp black hair. No Alec, no Michella nothing about how much I hate him or what a big asshole he is.It was only the two of us.

He pulled me closer one hand on my waist and the other at back of my head. Despite the cold, his hands were warm and sent tingles up my back.

He smelt like honeydew mixed with lemon and alcohol. All traces of that disgusting deodrant had vanished but the smell of alcohol lingered slightly. But the honeydew smell... That smelt like the old Jake I knew.

We pulled back due to the lack of oxygen. I was breathing heavily but I couldnt take my eyes of him.

His eyes were green. Dark green. In the moonlight you could see the tiny specs of gold and without thinking about it I crashed my lips against his again.

I dont know what made me do it. But at that moment I absolutely had to.

His lips were soft against mine. Not rough but gentle. So unlike the Jake I knew who was rash and always had to be the one to prove a point. I pulled him closer trying to close the non existent gap between us which made Jake lost his balance and we both tumbled down hitting the icy cold water.

At first I was to foggy to realize what was happening but then the cold hit me and I surfaced sputtering choking on the water. Someone grabbed me from behind and hoisted me to the dock and the cold winter air hit me and I started shivering.

Jake sat next to me completley pale and his nose was red. I tried not to focus on the fact that his lips were swollen because Im pretty sure mine were too.

"W-www-We s-ss-should really ggg-get g-g-going." My teeth were chattering non stop and I was shaking worse than a leaf.

He nods and gets up shivering just about as much as me. I mean who can blame us?  It is the middle of December and we had just gone for a midnight swim.

"Hhh- here." he says handing me his jacket which was on the dock when the two of us were in the lake which meant that it was perfectly dry.

"Bbbb-but y-you'll freeze." I say.

He rolls his eyes and stands up.

"I h-hhave an extra t-shirt in the car cc- can you ff-for once just accept tt-tthe f-ff-fact Im bbb-being nice?"He shivers.

Jake being nice. Jake not being nice. I mean it would honestly kill him NOT to send mixed signals.

'Oh Clara I hate you and you are annoying.'

'Oh Clara here take my jacket never mind the fact that I'll freeze my ass of as long as you're not sick. '

Do you get what Im saying?

I take the jacket from him and put it around me. It has the typical smell of Jake: honeydew.

How come I never noticed?

Our process of walking to the car is slow because everytime Jake sneezed I would offer the jacket back feeling incredibley guilty if he got sick because of me.

He would roll his eyes and then stutter out to keep walking. When we finally reach the parking lot we literally run to his car as fast as our frozen legs would carry us.

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