Chapter 48: The Blame Game

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I'll be honest this chapter is a drag but it's a major one when it comes to the general plot (lol yes this book has a plot, I'm surprised too.)

She smirks as both Jake and I immediately take a step back from each other.

"Oh please don't stop on my account." She says,"I was just starting to have fun."

I have to bite my cheek hard and clench my fists to keep myself from leaping at her. I stop as I see what she's holding in her hand, her phone probably recording the whole thing.

Jake's expression is blank and gives nothing away as he stares at Natalie, impassive.

"You know what despite everything I still thought that you were better than this." Natalie says shutting her phone promptly and keeping it in.

"Better than what?" My voice is strangely high pitched and she laughs.

"Better than fucking him behind Alec's back." She points,"And you have the nerve to call me a whore."

"She's not sleeping with me." Jake's tone is low, but his eyes are dark,"And I-"

"Jake don't." I say my voice tight,"She's my problem."

Jake stares at me for a moment, shocked and then a small glint of pride reflects in his green eyes before he and nods and leaves without another glance.

"What is it about you?" Natalie asks,"That makes everyone fall so head over heels for you in a matter of seconds?"

I narrow my eyes and I stare at her my lips in a straight line as she continues,"I don't see what they see in you."

I look at her and then sigh,"Neither do I."

She's about to open her mouth but when she hears my response her eyes widen and she promptly shuts her mouth.

"What are you waiting for go and tell him."I say,"Go get Alec back, isn't that what you want?"

"I don't love Alec." Natalie says her voice even,"I did, but then again I don't think I can compete against the version of you he holds in his eyes. The perfect little angel who can do no wrong."

I look at her unsurely,"You don't love Alec? Then why do want him back?"

"I don't." She says,"I want to get even. Whatever said and done Clara you had absolutely no right to take him from me."

"It was his choice." I say evenly,"I didn't make him break up with you. If I had that kind of effect don't you think I'd have done it when he first started dating you?"

"And do you actually think that all your spunk and charming personality would have mattered if you hadn't started dating Jake?" She says pocketing her phone,"Alec may have liked you Clara but have you never ever put thought into why he actually did anything about it only after you went after his step brother let's face it Clara before Jake you had no personality and when you finally did Alec-"

"He was scared." I say defensively,"I-"

"Honestly Clara I can't care less." She says,"To be honest hell with you and Alec. As long as you keep your butt out of my business, my friends and my popularity I can't give two shits."

"And yet you're blackmailing me with a video." I say.

"Well, that's different." She says smiling a bit,"I promise to delete the video as soon as you do a little something for me. Alec will never see his dear little angel fall, I promise."

"And what makes you think I'll believe what you say?" I ask.

"You can't." She says,"But if you don't then I'm going I make sure everyone sees it."

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