Chapter 23:She would enjoy Death by a Pillow Way More

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"Can you please pass me the fork?"

As long as you don't poke my eyes out with it and roast it over the fireplace.

"Sure." I saw slowly passing the fork to my sister beside me hoping that no one noticed how I winced when she took it.

We were all siting together as a "family" around the table after a very long time. Sure my parents had come time to time but Michella hadn't even visited once after she had left. I mean I am not complaining but after a while you tend to miss eating with your parents and your dear loving sister.


"So Clara." My mother says from across the table,"I hear you and Jake are together and growing stronger."

Yeah sure, why not lets go with that.

I don't miss the slight glance she gives Michella who is currently stabbing her potatoes with her fork.

The potatoes are probably my face.

But the funny thing was that two years ago this was the exact same situation around the dining table back home. Except I was the one poking the potatoes while Michella ranted about Alec.

"Mom, he is the perfect boyfriend." I echo the same words Michella used to say to purposely get on my nerves,"On our one month anniversary he...."

I go on to make up some wild romantic tale about how he took me to a picnic and made me grilled sandwiches while in reality I am pretty sure we must have spent that entire day avoiding each other or fighting, celebrating the day we had decided to put on this godforsaken ruse.

But it was pissing the hell out of Michella so I was loving it.

"And then my scarf flew away and we ran and caught it and ended up falling on each other." I say.

Okay I was pretty sure that I was plagiarising some book Rebecca had made me read out of her Romance section.

Sue me I was bored.

"And the it started raining just as the sun set." I continue on with my story,"And then he kissed me-"

"You don't have scarves." Michella suddenly speaks up interrupting my perfect fantasy of a date.

"You haven't seen my closet foe two years." I say quickly,"And this was the gift Jake had given me. Oh! Did I forget that part? He gave me a satin scarf which was absolutely beautiful."

Michella doesn't back down.

"Which brand?" she asks.

Fuck. I am completely illiterate when it comes to this.

Oh come on Clara, your mom is a bloody fashion designer stop being an idiot.

Does Prada make scarves?

"Jimmy Choo-"I start but then at Michella's narrowed expression I stop.

"Shoes and a Dolce and Gabanna scarf."I say slowly.

Michella has that suspicious look on her face as I continue saying,"Oh he gave me shoes too."

Michella was about to say something else but was interrupted by my mother," Well even I have to admit that the Dolce and Gabanna scarves are absolutely gorgeous. Their winter line is really cutting into our sales. But of course our designs are the best.."

As my mother continues ranting about how she wanted to blend bright colours in the new collection.

"Clara, I hope you wore something good." My mother says briefly glancing at my father who was typing furiously on his phone with a wistful expression,"Jake is seems like a very big romantic although I would be damned because all he ever did her was go out and party."

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