Chapter 37: Nothing Beats Apple Juice

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SINCE IT"S BEEN A WHILE SINCE I'VE UPDATED HERE IS A BRIEF RECAP: Clara went to meet Jake's dad who admitted on being Alec's dad too. He also told her that he was aware about Jake's entire plan with Eric. Clara agreed to keep their meeting along with the fact that Alec and Jake were real brothers as long as Conrad Henderson left Jake alone. But not to fear she didn't leave his office before giving him a sucker punch straight to the jaw.

It's only in the cab I realise that my hand hurts like a bitch. My knuckles vaguely resemble squished up eggplant.

That was some punch.

I still don't regret my choice to sucker punch him and then pretty much give him a death threat. Frankly  I'm super proud of myself.

I'm still kind of bummed at the fact that he didn't call security on me because it would have been freaking hilarious to see the security guards face when they realised that their big shot CEO had just gotten punched by an eighteen year old girl.

But unfortunately Jake's father was smarter than that.

The cab threw me forward as it stopped and I curse as my injured hand hit the front of the seat. I quickly give him his money and get out and make my way towards the hotel lobby.

Rebecca had given both Samantha and I clear instructions that we weren't to come near the room until after lunch.The both of us had mentally gagged and given specific instructions that she had to call housekeeping and change the sheets as soon as she was done doing whatever she was planning to do.

Samantha had gone off muttering that she had to go for lunch with her parents while I had finally decided to visit Mr Henderson. 

I could probably go to Jake's room but honestly as of now I needed to clear my head and stay away from both Alec and Jake.

I needed time to process the ridiculity of the fact the both of them were brothers. I hadn't even gotten over the fact that they were going to be step brothers and now they were real brothers.

It didn't make sense.

It was so implausible and ridiculous that it looked like it had come straight out from a movie.

After Jake had let the name slip I thought it was a coincidence. I mean it was stupid even thinking about the fact that it was Alec's mother.

She was the perfect mother and wife. A mistress of a rich CEO and being pregnant with his kid hardly seemed even remotely like her. But the more I had thought about it the more clear it became that the clues were there right in front for a person who was looking for it.

When we were kids Arabella Evans was my role model. She was perfect, beautiful loving and caring, she was like a mother I never had.

It was a tradition for her to drive Alec and I too school everyday.

Every once in a month she would stop by the post office to send a letter. Alec always asked her the same question on those mornings, "Who are you sending those letters too?"

And every time she would wink and say,"Your father."

Alec never understood and neither did I. After all Alec's father didn't travel much back then and once I had taken a peek at the address and seen New York written on it but I just stayed out of it.

That memory had vanished when she died.

The other clue was nearly not as old. It was dated a little more than a year back during one of Alec's careless drunk phases.

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