Chapter 21: Do You Want A Lap Dance With That?

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Jake, Natalie and the principal say together at one go.

I am to shocked to even be offended by the principals remark.

"Alec what are you saying?" The principals asks,"You are the king and she is the queen you cannot dance with anyone else."

"Especially when she is not your date to the dance." Jake adds.

Alec looks calm and cool,"Why not? The queen can dance with anyone she wants too."

The entire audience takes a selective gasp and Natalie looks at him unbelieving and then blinks regaining her I am a bitch and I know it smirk and says,"Fine. Then I want to dance with Jake."

With that she yanks him towards her and I say,"Hey!"

The entire audience turns to look at me and I blush slightly and step back.

I mean I kind of expected her to have a massive meltdown but she is way too calm. But somehow her snatching Jake like that was as bad a slap as she would have given me.

Oh god Clara focus on one boy at a time will you?

Alec simply shakes his head and looks at me hopefully and stretches his arm out. It takes me a second to realise what he is gesturing to do so and I quickly take his hand and then the enormity of what he did hits me.

I mean sure defying the rules in some pathetic dance about not dancing with the queen seems stupid but in high school world it's huge.

Or at least I think it is.

"Told you to save me a dance." He says and smile.

"I didn't think it would be quite so dramatic." I say smiling.

He laughs, "Okay true. But it's about time that Natalie and I have that dance with someone other than each other."

"Natalie will freak out. I am surprised she hasn't already." I say,"I mean you did ditch her-"

"We broke up." He says cutting me off.

I give him a blank look as he wraps his arms around my waist and instinctively put mine around his neck as the slow song plays.

"I know not my best hour but-" I interrupt him.

"You broke up with her?" I say.

Our voices are quiet drowned by the music but everyone else was trying to eavesdrop.

Including Natalie and Jake who rather than actually dancing were shuffling and glaring at us.

I somehow found Jakes glare every bit as satisfying as when Alec glared at me and Jake.

Oh god lord what is wrong with me.

I shift my entire focus back to Alec and then I smiled.

Alec looked like Alec.Blonde messy hair and there was always a genuine smile.

A smile that well, totally melts my heart.

"Yeah I did break up with her," he says softly,"I don't think the relationship was fair to either of us."

I nod.

"That's all you have to say?" He says with a small smile as he raises his eyebrows up.

I am about to reply to him but my eyes catches Natalie and Jake who have finally started dancing too.

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