Chapter 31: Drama Should Be My Middle Name

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Being good is hard. Really hard. Lets face it, no one in this planet is entirely good.

Depressing but true.

Lets take me for an example. I am termed as the good girl which is ironic as being a good anything complies you to follow the rules and help other people.

Now lets just see how many of the check boxes do I really fill.

1) I listen to my parents.

Yup totally.

2) I have never done anything bad in my life.

Do drugs, alcohol and riding a motorbike dangerously on the streets count as bad?

3) I study a lot.

That's because I don't have a social life

4)I am nice to everyone.

Just ask Natalie where she got that huge bruise on her face from.

5) I love my siblings.

Absolutely.Which is why I almost jumped with joy when I found out that my sister had gotten kicked out of Harvard.

I felt kind of bad for her but then I remembered how she flaunted around with her acceptance letter and I let the grin spread.

Jake didn't tell me anything much after that because he thought it wasn't his place to tell.

So after Jake dropped the bomb he took me to finish my Christmas shopping, all I could think about what was the jingle I was repeating in my head;

  Michella got kicked out of Harvard, Michella got kicked out of Harvard.

I did feel guilty at times and not to mention bad but that lasted for exactly two seconds before I started singing the jingle in my head.

"Why did she call you?"I ask him as we head down the lane to a watch shop.

"I don't know." He says,"But I guess she thought that I could help her out."

"Could you?"I try to sound genuine.

"Yes, they accepted her for the next semester but till then she isn't going anywhere near there." He says.

"No wonder she Is so attached to you superman."I say jokingly but he frowns.

"Attached is a bit of an understatement don't you think?"He says.

"Well this story has actually told me a lot of things." I say,"One I have excellent blackmail material against her and two Michella is not that big of a slut and is actually capable of feelings."

Jake raises his eyebrow,"I don't get the last part."

"Well I thought she just wanted you for some trophy but she genuinely likes you."

The  minute I say it I regret it. Usually when I told anyone that my sister liked them they went running to her and Jake maybe different but he is still a boy and my sister is still the supergoddess.

"Isn't she sleeping with Alec?" He blurts out.

"Yup." I say bluntly.

We lapse Into silence and I'm still playing the Michella got kicked out of Harvard jingle in my head when Jake breaks it.

"I don't think you will use it as blackmail." He says carefuly.

I raise my eyebrows and he continues,"Michella told me why you guys fell out so badly and for someone who has kept that a secret for so long never once throwing it in her face I don't think you will do anything."

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