Chapter 62:Edward Needs To Cut Back On Body Glitter

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So before this starts let's take a trip back to forty one in which Ashley handed Clara a black box which she found in Jake's room. Then let's go back to chapter nineteen in which Clara and Jake are fighting right after he was drunk in school and got into a fight with Kevin. And also the part where Clara hid under Jake's bed and found a black book in Jake's room.

And just an FYI back then she didn't know about what had really gone on in camp which is basically she didn't know about the video and why Jake did what he did.

This chapter is 170 pages on my Itouch.

P.S: I suck at writing the POV of a fourteen year old boy.

Why would they go to such elaborate lengths to lie to me?
Why couldn't they-

And then it clicks into place all of it. They didn't tell me because my grandmother didn't want me to know.

She didn't want me to know.

She was sick. She had cancer and I knew in my gut that it was bad. It was terrible, but I had  been too damn blind and self involved to notice it.

You're going to have to tell her at some point, she's going to hate you for not telling her.

The day Michella had come back, that's what Michella had said and if I had been paying attention, if I had just been listening instead of....

And Jake. Jake knew about it too. But he didn't tell me. Instead he..

Instead he lied. Lied, so that I would hate him, so that I would hate Michella so that I would stay here. And I....

Oh god what did I do?

No. No
This wasn't true. This can't be true. This wasn't happening. This can't be happening.

My grandmother, Jake, my sister, oh god.

I don't know how I ended up on the floor, my knees must have buckled underneath me. I couldn't breathe as everything from today crashed over me each dragging crushing a different part of me until I had nothing left.

I would take the lie that Jake was the one who got Michella got pregnant over the fact that my grandmother was sick any day of the damn week.

And they knew it. They both knew it. And that's why they had done it.

Because my grandmother wasn't going to tell me. Of course she wouldn't.

Why would she? She had seen my reaction to Jake and Alec's accident.

She didn't tell me.
She didn't tell me because she didn't think I could handle it.

And I probably couldn't.

But didn't she think that I at least deserved to know it?

Didn't she ever think that I at least deserved the opportunity to try to handle it? To be there for her?

I was leaving because I didn't know any better but if they had told me, trusted me enough to make the right decision I would have stayed in a heartbeat.

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