Information & Notes

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A/N : Hi! Candy here! If you read my first fanfiction called "Hunter Academy" then, you probably know me. Yes, I know that story isn't finish yet but I felt like making another one, you know? It's so hard to think Ideas to that story considering it's school and stuff but other than that, I totally have no idea how different country's school works. So, I want to make a story that I actually know what I'm doing! (Because I'm an idiot, that's why) So, enough talk, I'll show you stuff about you here.

Name : (Y/N) (L/N)

Age : 12

Height : 144 cm

Weight : 32 kg

Appearance : (On the picture) [Yes, I know it doesn't look like a 144 cm tall girl but hey, she's cute! That's gonna be you!]

Hair : [You can decide whether you want a purple hair like the girl on the picture or decide your own hair color but the long twintails are staying, ok?]

Eyes : [You can also decide on this one]

Likes : Animals, food, friends, cute stuff.

Dislikes : Liars, Scary or creepy stuff, sad people.

Nen Type : (Going to be introduce in later chapters)

Abilities : (Going to be introduce in later chapters)

Personality : You are a happy girl that don't get easily mad. You're pretty athletic but at the same time pretty clumsy. You're a cheerful girl and hates to see people sad. You're nice at both animals and humans. Oblivous towards love. You only use your powers for such silly things but not to threat or scare other people. Since you rarely been outside of your house (except for shopping and spending time with Yumi), the things in the outside world goes unknown for you.

Back Story : In your childhood, you stayed at an orphanage because your were told that your parents died when you were only 3 but the orphanage treated you like trash once they discovered about your powers so you escaped the orphanage at the age of 8. You have no where to go after that until you were found by a woman and nicely invite you to her home and let you live with her. The woman was named, Yumi and she owned a pet shop. That pet shop was the one who awaken your love towards animals.Yumi then, started treating you like her own child and let you go to school. In that school you were just a normal 2nd grader until there was the time that you heard the little girl, who looks younger than you, crying. You ask her what's wrong and said that her balloon got stuck on a tree. You tried to help the little by using your powers and imitate a squirrel. This cause squirrel tail to appear behind you and a squirrel ears to appear at you head. You climb the tree and recover the stuck balloon and give it to the little girl. But instead of happiness in her face you got a scared looking face. The little girl then, ran of screaming 'Mommy' and 'Monster'. Unfortunately, people tried to capture you but luckily, Yumi saved you. You explain to Yumi your powers and to your suprise, she still accepted you. But she didn't allow you to go school anymore and it causes you to refuse using your powers anymore. Ever since then, Yumi has become like your mother, teacher and many other and you want repay for it. When you finally turned 12 you said that you wanted to join the 287th hunter exam. She disapprove of course but with a lot of convincing, she finally allowed you. Then, you're adventure begans there.

Extra Note :

• I absoulety positively do NOT own the anime "Hunter X Hunter". I will not write disclaimers in every chapter (Because I personally think it's annoying, just saying.) so I will put one big disclaimer right now.

• I'm using the 2011 version of Hunter X Hunter in this story

• Please do not expect too much ecchi or sexual scenes throughout the stories.

• This story and "You" are innocent, please do keep that in mind.

• "You" are not strong but not weak either in this story. So if that frustrates you, please do not read this story.

• "You" will be referred as (Y/N) (Your Name) in this story.

• There some uncompleted sentences, misspelled words, and wrong grammars throughout the story that went unnoticed by the author. But don't worry if the author did noticed, she will change it to the normal one.

• Their might be sometimes where the author will take a LONG time to update because of internet problems.

A/N :
Whew! That took forever! Anyways, please wait for this story! I will try my best to make it your ideal story!

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now