Chapter Four : Phase One Part Two

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~Chapter Four : Phase One Part Two~


While the three of you were running. You three slowed down a bit so that you could talk to Leorio and Kurapika.

"Oh, hey old man, what's with the look?" Killua said.

"Shut up! It's better this way!" Leorio yelled. "Plus, I'm not an old man! I'm still a teenager like you guys!" He yelled.

At that time, it felt like the whole world stopped spinning.

"Huh...?" You all said, without Kurapika who looks shocked as well. "EH!?" Gon, you and Killua yelled in unison.

And now, the world seems to start spinning again.



The three of you yelled at the same time as soon as Satotz stopped running. He looked at the three of you with an amused expression.

(To be honest, I really don't know what kind of emotion he pulled)

"I win!" Killua said, proudly.

"Eh? No way! I win!" Gon protest.

"Nope! I win!" You protest back.

You three kept telling each other who won the race but neither of the three of you admit that they. The three of you turned to Satotz.

"Satotz-san! Please tell us who arrive first!" You said while the two males behind you nodded in agreement.

Satotz stayed quiet for awhile. "...I believe that the three of you arrive simultaneosly." Satotz said.

"Simultaneosly...?" the three of you said in unison.

It took a while for the three of you to realised what that meant and when the three of you did, you all sighed in dissapointment. "Aww! I really wanted a dinner tonight!" Gon said.

"Yeah. I was planning if (Y/N) lose she will buy me dinner, it's like were gonna have a da-" Killua quickly shut up and covered his mouth while blushing furiously. "I can't believe I almost said that!" Killua thought.

You and Gon turned to Killua and tilted both of your heads at the same time. "Have a what?" Both you and Gon said in unison.

"Nothing!" Killua said.

"Okay then, I won't force you to say it." You said, smiling.You were pretty much an airhead and not like to barge into other people's business.

Killua sighed in relief and turned to the both of you. "So what are we gonna do about the race then? All of us won." Killua said.

You and Gon thought about it for a second. Then, Gon snapped his finger. "I get it! How about this...I'm going to buy Killua dinner then Killua's going to buy (Y/N) dinner and (Y/N)'s going to buy me dinner?"

You smiled and about to agree but Killua cut you off. "Hold on, how about you turn it another way around! I'M going to buy YOU dinner and YOU will be the one to buy (Y/N) dinner and (Y/N) will be the one to buy ME dinner." Killua said.

Gon pouted. "Eh? That's unfair! I wanted (Y/N) to buy me dinner!" Gon said.

"Well, sorry! I wanted (Y/N) to buy me dinner too!" Killua said, sticking out his tounge at him.

"No way! I want (Y/N) to buy me dinner!" Gon protested back.

"Nu-uh! (Y/N) will buy me dinner!" Killua protested back.

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now