Chapter Twenty Three : Heaven's Arena

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~Chapter Twenty Three : Heaven's Arena~


You and Gon stared at Killua in confusion as he smiled at the both of you. "Heaven's Arena?" You and Gon asked.

Killua turned around. "I'll explain later, for now, let's catch a ride to go there." Killua said as he entered the airport once again.

You and Gon smiled and followed him. "Yeah!"


The three of you rode an airship together to go to this place called Heaven's Arena that will be the place where the three of you can train and earn money at the same time as Killua stated.

While riding the airship, you and Gon stared in amazement as you both saw the tall building that seems to be the Heaven's Arena.

"Whoa!" You and Gon exclaimed. "Is that the Heaven's Arena!?" You asked Killua.

Killua smiled. "Yep, that's it right there." He said. "Two-hundred and fifty-one stories, ninety hundred ninety-one meters tall. The world's fourth tallest building."

Gon smiled, excited. "So this is where will be training, huh..." Gon muttered.

After the airship finally landed, you and two males put on your bags behind your backs and prepared to go out. Killua turned to the two of you. "We all used all of our money for our trip fare so we'll have to make more here." Killua explained. "Once we disembark, we'll start from zero."

You and Gon nodded. "Okay!"

"Good..." Killua smiled as he turned around. "Let's go."


The three of you quickly lined to the entrance of the arena. You were right behind Killua while Gon is behind you. Once Killua moved forward, you moved forward as well. You looked behind you to see Gon spacing out while looking at the tall building.

You smiled. "Gon!" You called, snapping him out. He smiled and moved forward as soon as he realise he's far away.

You looked infront of Killua. "Wow, what a long line." You said. "It's like everybody wants to go to the Heaven's Arena." You said.

Killua nodded. "Yeah because mostly, there's no rules or condition here unlike the hunter exam. You just need to defeat your opponents." Killua explained as you and Gon hummed in understanding."

You all looked above you and stared at the building. "The higher you go, the more prize money you get. This is perfect for those who are looking to make money using only their fists." Killua explained.

Finally, after a long line, you all reached the counter. Inside, there was a girl. "Welcome to the Heaven's Arena. Please fill out this form." She said as she gave the three of you a form.

You, Gon and Killua grabbed a pen a began filling out every little detail needed to the form. Once you three were done, you all gave the girl back the form. The girl smiled and began typing to the computer, she then turned back to the three of you.

"Killua Zoldyck-sama, you are #2054. Gon Freecss-sama, you are #2055. (Y/N) (L/N)-sama, you are #2056." The girl said. "They'll call your number once you reached the first floor, so make sure you don't forget it. For now, please go ahead." She said.

You all entered the entrance and was instantly greeted by people cheering and atleast ten fighting rings with people fighting. You all found a seat and sat down.

"Ah, this place feels so nostalgic." Killua said. "But it isn't changed a bit."

You and Gon looked at Killua, confuse. "Huh? Killua, you've been here before?" Gon asked.

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now