Chapter Thirteen : Phase Three Part Four

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~Chapter Thirteen : Phase Three Part Four~

Chapter 13


It's been a long time since all of you got stuck here in this room due to Leorio ending up gambling fifty hours of their time.

But now, you were all getting ready to come out of the room as the timer indicates that there is only five hours left to spend.

Of course, you noticed on how short the time is left, you head to the bathroom and change your clothes. Hey, sure you're not one of those girls who take a long time in the bathroom fixing themselves, but you did took quite a moment. You're a girl after all.

You came out of the bathroom and was saw Gon being flicked, quite hard on the forehead by Killua. You smiled at them as they look like having fun as you walked over to them.

"You guys look like you're having fun." You said.

Gon rubbed his forehead. "Not really. Killua's too skilled for this game..." He said.

Killua looked at him, bored. "This game is actually very easy for me." He said as he plopped to the ground and looked at the time.


Killua sighed. "5 hours more huh?" He said. "It's boring, is there anything fun to do right now?" He asked.

You shrugged. Gon put his finger in his chin, thinking. Then, he snapped his fingers. "I know!" He said.

You and Killua looked at him, questionally. "What?" You and Killua said in unison.

"I once knew about a game called "Truth or Dare"!" Gon said. "You will pick a player and asked them truth or dare. When the player picked truth, you will asked them a question and they will answer truthfully, no lies. When they pick dare, you will dare them to do something, no taking back." Gon explained.

You smiled, clueless about the said game. "Ah! Sounds fun!" You exclaimed and turned to Killua. "Isn't Killua? Let's pla-" You stopped as you and Gon noticed he was turning red slowly.

"A-Are we playing this?" Killua asked, flushed.

"If you want to." You said.

Killua blushed and turned away. "They didn't know that this is actually a game for teenagers and some even ends up being a couple..." He thought. "Wait...Chance! This is a chance!"

Killua widen his eyes and smiled slightly as a mischievous idea popped into his head. He then turned back the both of you. "Okay, let's start! I'll go first!"

You and Gon smiled and waited for Killua to pick whoever he is choosing. Then, Killua pointed to you. "(Y/N), truth or dare?" He asked.

You put your finger on your chin and think. After a second, you looked at him with a smile. "Truth!" You said.

Killua frowned. "Not the answer I was planning...*sigh* chance ruined..." He thought and turned to you. "Tell me the truth about..." Killua said as he trailed off, thinking. He then remembered something. "About Brad!" He said, leaning over you.

Gon turned serious and leaned over you as well.

You sat there. "Brad?" You asked. The realization hit you. "Ah! Brad! How did you know about him?" You said.

"You said his name when you were asleep couple of hours ago and you said he's cute." Killua said. "Just tell us already!" He yelled, losing patience.

You blushed in embarassment. "I talked in my sleep again?" You thought. You sighed and look at both of them.

"He's our neighbor." You said as tou smiled. "And he's very cute!" You said.

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now