Chapter Nine : Phase Three Part One

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~Chapter Nine : Phase Three Part One~

"I apologize for the long wait. This airship will now reach it's destination."

You groaned at the sound of the voice but didn't open your eyes. You felt the someone from your lap getting up and walking away but you didn't care. It was pretty late when you slept last night.

Then, you heard footsteps coming towards you. You felt yourself being shook awake by someone. "(Y/N)! Wake up! We're here!" A familiar voice said.

You struggled to open your eyes to see a blurry vision of a person with black hair. Your blurry vision soon fades into a clear one. You noticed it was Gon.

"Gon...?" You said, sleepily and rubbing your eyes. "Good morning..."

Gon laughed a little. "Good morning to you too!" Gon said with a tint of pink on his cheeks.

You blushed in embarassment. "Oh no! My morning habit is catching up to me! That's so embarassing!" You thought. "Saying 'Good Morning' whenever I woke up is really bad habbit!"

You hid your embarass face from Gon and lucky for you, Gon is oblivious to almost everything so he didn't noticed it.

Gon grinned at you. "(Y/N)! You need to see the third phase exam site!" He said standing up and gesturing you over the window.

You stood up and flinched a little. "My legs are a little numb...Well after sleeping in that position it will no doubt do." You thought as you tried to walk over there without stumbling.

Succesfully going there, you tried to look at the window but you were to short. You pouted. "This sucks..." You thought.

Gon smiled and walked over to you and lift you to his shoulder and carry you with ease. You gasp and about to protest when you got distracted by the third phase exam site.

"Uwaah! What a big tower!" You said in amazement.

After a while of admiring it, you tapped on Gon's head. "Uhmm...Gon?" You said.

"Yeah?" Gon respond.

"Can you put me down?" You asked.

"Nope!" He smiled.

You widen your eyes. "Why not?" You protested.

"After sitting that long and me sleeping on your lap, your legs must've been numb!" Gon said.

"But-!" You tried protesting but he turned his head and looked at you with a serious look. You sighed and gave up. "...Fine..." You sighed.

Gon smiled brightly and the two of you headed towards the door.


Soon, the airship landed on the surface. You were still being carried by Gon in his shoulders and people are giving the two of you, weird looks. "This is embarassing." You thought and look down at Gon. "He doesn't seem to be affected by it though..."

"Gon!" A familiar voice called the both of you.

You squeked as soon as you heard the voice. Gon turned around making you turned around as well. It's Killua.

"Oh, Killua. What's up?" Gon smiled.

"Why are you carrying (Y/N) like that!? You can get mistaken for something else, you know!" Killua said.

"Something else?" Gon asked.

Killua face-palmed. "Whatever, just tell me why are you carrying her like that!"

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now