Chapter Thirty Two : Nen Aura Types

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~Chapter Thirty Two : Nen Aura Types~


Now that your matches with the three newbie crusher is finished, the three of you all proceeded with your training with Wing and Zushi.

"Today, we will finally begin to train in Hatsu." Wing announced as the the four of you, Killua, Gon, and Zushi stand infront of him. "Once you master Hatsu, you will have learned the basic Nen principles. After that, you will need to work on developing your own Nen style."

The four of you nodded with smiles on your faces. "Osu!"

"Hatsu is the technique by which you can control your Nen. It is the culmination of Nen and there are six distinct categories." Wing explained. "Enhancers are able to enhance objects. Emitters can propel there aura. Transmuters can alter their aura's qualities. Conjurers are able to manifest their aura. Manipulators can use their aura to control objects and creatures. Specialist are those with special auras that doesn't fall within the other five classes."

"The key is to find the power that suits you. Nen is linked to individual ability with two areas with particular prominence." Wing explained. "The first would be your natural potential, the second would be potential refined later in life."

"Gon-kun, for example, was born with a springy, flexible body." Wing explained as he looked at Gon. "His acute senses were the product of his childhood being spent nature."

"From the moment of birth, your Nen aura falls within one of the six categories. While rare, it is possible for your aura to later change types." Wing explained as he walked to the white board and grabbed a pen. "If you attempt to learn an ability that does not fit your inclination, you will find it very hard."

Then, Wing began drawing the hexagon shape with the kanji word "Nen" inside it. "This hexagon depicts the relationship among the six categories. The closer a class is to your own, the higher your compability to learn it."

"If you are born with the Enhancer category, you will find the Enhancer ability the most easiest to learn and master." Wing explained. "And the adjacent Transmuter and Emitter class will also be easy to learn and master."

"On the other hand, the Specialist class, which is the furtherest, would be difficult. To illustrate, I'll use skills that you all have seen for yourselves." Wing said. "Hisoka was able to change his aura into a rubbery substance. This would be a Tmukransmuter ability."

"Gido used his tops and body to turn into a weapon by making them spin faster, which would be an Enhancer power." Wing explained. "However, since using so many as a weapon, he
Also require a Manipulator skill as he wasn't too successful."

"As for Kastro, he's ability was incredibly strong. Had he mastered it, he would be one of the strongest amongst the Nen users." Wing explained. "I believe that his Nen aura falls within the Enhancer class. However, he focused too much of his aura on creating his double, which is a Conjurer skill and he also require a Manipulator skill to control his double, both of those are relatively far from the enhancer category."

"So neither of the class was compatible with the Enhancer type?" You asked, looking at Wing.

Wing nodded. "Yes, it requires a great deal of hard work and natural talent to learn an incompatible ability." Wing said. "And in result, he squandered all of his Nen potential."

Killua placed his arms behind his head. "So he made the wrong choice, huh." Killua said, uncaringly.

Zushi looked. "He was a great fighter, it's quite a dissapointment."

"Well? Now, do you understand the importance of own auras and inclinations?" Wing asked.

All of your except for Killua nodded. "Osu!"

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