Chapter Ten : Phase Three Part Two

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~Chapter Ten : Phase Three Part Two~


Two hours have passed and the boys were still a little pissed about what happened hours ago. Leorio was losing patience. Then, he stood up, forgetting how pissed the three boys are earlier and screamed in frustration.

"Oh, come on! It's been two hours already! What if everybody have already found different routes!?" Leorio yelled.

Kurapika glared at him. "Shh!" He said as he pointed to you, who was sleeping peacefully beside him. "Try to talk quietly, Leorio and calm down. Complaining won't help." Kurapika said.

Leorio rubbed his head. "Sorry, but what if no one arrives before we reach our time limit?" Leorio said, lowering his voice down. "Only an idiot would still be at the top of the tower!" He said.

Then, suddenly, a sound of someone tapping the stone above them was heard. "Quiet, Leorio." Kurapika said as he looked up along with Killua and Gon. Leorio stopped complaining and looked up as well.

They all listen carefully to the tapping. Kurapika turned to you and shook you awake. You slightly opened your eyes.

"Huh...? Kurapika?" You said, sitting up.

Kurapika smiled at you. "Wake up, looks like someone is gonna drop soon. Listen." He said as he pointed above them. You listened carefully and heard someone tapping the stone above the room all you are in.

You widen your eyes and stood up. "You're right!" You said as you grab your bag and placed it back behind your back. You turned to Kurapika. "Thanks for waking me up." You smiled.

Kurapika smiled back. "It was my pleasure."

The two of you walked where you heard the tapping along with Leorio, Killua and Gon. You all waited until finally a certain someone fell in.

You looked carefully and realised it was Tonpa. "Tonpa-san!" You and Gon exclaimed.

Tonpa turned around. "Good grief..." He said.

The others except you and Gon had an unsatisfied look on their face. "Oh." Killua said.

"It's the old man..." Leorio said.

You all gave Tonpa his wristwatch and he put it on. "Alright." He said and just after that, a random wall opened, revealing a door.

You all walked towards the door. "Oh, I see. The door appeared once six people puts on the stopwatches." Kurapika pointed out.

""At this door, select O to open, X to not."" Gon read.

"Decision already? Well, the answer should be obvious." Leorio said as he lifted his wrist to press a button on his watch while the rest of you did the same.

Once everybody pressed button, the screen appeared that five pressed O but one pressed X.

"Eh!?" Leorio said. "Who pressed the X button?" Leorio asked as the door opened.

Tonpa looked at him, apologetically. "Ah, sorry, that was me. I accidentally pressed the wrong button..." Tonpa said.

A vein grew on Leorio's forehead as he grab hold of Tonpa's collar. "Don't screw with me, old man! How can you accidentally pressed the wrong button!?" Leorio yelled.

"Like I said, it was an accident!" Tonpa defended.

You tried to calm Leorio the best you can so he doesn't start anything. "It's okay, Leorio! Let this one slide!" You said, trying to calm him down.

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now