Chapter Forty Four : Kurapika's Ending

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~Chapter Forty Five : Kurapika's Ending~


As the boys leave you to make your own decision, you stood on the ground with mixed emotions running through your mind. You cannot believe that this is finally happening. The day where you are finally gonna pick which one of the three boys you have fallen in love with. Even more suprising is that they were the ones who caused you to make this decision. It saddens you that you'll have to reject the two of them...

But that is the right thing to do, right? You can't possibly be with three guys at once. But listening to your heart very clearly on this very day and remaining minutes, you have decided who to pick. It was difficult but atleast you have the answer. All you have to do now is build up your courage and go to him.

You activated your ability and imitate a dog. Their scent was still faint so it's possible to find them, even in large crowd. Before you can took off, you stopped and think. What if you don't make it on time? This made you panic a little but then thought of an idea.

You closed your eyes and focused. Suddenly, your dog tail began to turn into a cat but the only difference is that it has black spots on it similar to a cheetah's. After you transformation was finished and you imitated you then prepared sprint.

And you took off...East.


With your speed fast as a cheetah and your increased smelling sense, you ran through the crowd, not caring if the people see you. It's not like there's much people to see you anyway, it's almost sunset and people are coming back to their own home. Still, even if there is many people in your way, they can barely noticed you, all because you were too fast for their heads to process.

You paused for awhile and looked around. Still no sign of him. Knowing he's not in this particular place, you started running once again.

After a few minutes, the scent of that guy can be noticed. You slowed down and panted, you turned to him, who's back was facing you.

"Kurapika...?" You muttered slowly as you do not want any assumptions to grow from you. But then again, blondes in this world are rare these days.

Kurapika turned around and blinked. "(Y/N)." He said as calm as possible but shock and suprise can be noted in his voice. "Are you really...?"

You smiled at him. "Yes! I'm (Y/N)!" You said. Kurapika smiled and went over and hugged you. He buried you in his chest while gently stroking your head and you hugging him back tightly.

"I'm so relieved that you're here." He said, smiling as relief can be noticed in his voice. "I don't know what I'll do without you...!"

"Me too, Kurapika..." You said as you and him hugged each other tighter. You both enjoyed each others embrace before parting with each other.

"Hey, Kurapika..." You called, a tiny blush appearing in your cheeks.

"Yes?" Kurapika said as his head tilted to the side.

"I...I want to tell you that I love you..." You said as the blush on your cheeks increased. You looked down. "I-I'm not actually trying to tell you to love me, it's just I'm hoping that you still feel the same way abo-"

Kurapika smiled as he cutted you off by hugging you tightly, burying you in his chest. "Don't worry, (Y/N), I still love you!" Kurapika said. "I love you, no matter what..."

"Kurapika..." You said as you smiled and parted your hug with him. Kurapika crouhed slightly to your height and smiled.

"You've gotten taller, (Y/N)." Kurapika pointed out as he pat your head.

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now