Chapter Thirty Six : Jealousy

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~Chapter Thirty Six : Jealousy~


You, Gon, Killua, and Kurapika were walking back to your house after finishing buying groceries. You were carrying only one paper bag of groceries while your three male companions were each holding two. Since you were holding only one bag, you can still use other arm and you were using the hand to check the long list of groceries Yumi gave you.

"Let's see...Do we miss something else?" You asked yourself when you checked everything, you smiled. "Nothing! It means were done!" You cheered.

"Thank goodness. We can finally go back." Killua said as he sighed in relief. "I'm hungry..."

Gon did the same. "Me too!"

Kurapika smiled. "I have to say I am as well."

You giggled at them. "Alright. When we reach back home, I'll be the one who will cook your meal as thank you for helping me." You said to them.

Gon turned to you, eyes sparkling. "Really!?" He said as he looked upt dreamily. "I wonder what (Y/N)'s food taste like...It would probably the best meal ever..." He muttered as he began to drool.

You all laughed at Gon's silly but cute face and continued talking to the conversation as you all walk back home. Then, you turn to the side and saw road from a few meters away. You widen your eyes as you can see a little girl stuck on a crack, struggling to get free. But the worst part is that, there's a large truck coming her way.

You gasped. "Guys! Hold this for me!" You said as you threw the paper bag in the air, hoping someone will catch it. Luckily Gon catched it with his head and balanced it. Quickly, you ran to the little girl who's stuck.

When you reach the girl, she was crying but unfortunately, no one can hear her because of how isolated the place is. The girl was holding a yellow ball tightly in her arms.

"Hold on, I'll save you!" You said as you tried to remove the girl's foot from the crack on the ground without hurting her but to no avail. Her foot was tightly squeezed by the hard stone. Suddenly, you can hear a sound of a vehicle coming towards the two of you's way. You sweated and thought of a plan.

You snapped your fingers and tightly clenched your hands. You focused all of your aura to your hand and punch the ground, breaking it into thousands of pieces. The girl's foot was finally free and in instinct, you carried the girl and put her out of harm's way.

You panted as the truck who nearly ran the poor little girl over passed the two of you. You turned to the little girl you just saved. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" You asked, concerned.

The girl sobbed but shook her head, indicating she wasn't hurt but you knew she was very scared. You hugged her small size and comforted her. "It's okay, it's okay...Don't cry..." You comforted.

The little girl let go of the yellow ball and let it bounced off. The little girl then hugged you back. "T-Thank you, miss..." She said.

You smiled and stroked her hair. You both let go of each other and looked at her clearly. She was a very cute girl, probably around five or six. She was wearing a pink dress that reach her knee with matching pink doll shoes. Her hair was tied into two adorable pigtails with red ribbons.

Suddenly, you heard footsteps coming towards the two of you. You looked up and saw Gon, Killua and Kurapika, with concerned faces. They gently drop the paper bags on the ground and crouched down to you.

"(Y/N), are you okay? Tell me if something happened."

"Do you have any injuries anywhere?"

"Idiot, why would you run like that?"

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now