Chapter Forty Three : Killua's Ending

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~Chapter Forty Three : Killua's Ending~


As the boys leave you to make your own decision, you stood on the ground with mixed emotions running through your mind. You cannot believe that this is finally happening. The day where you are finally gonna pick which one of the three boys you have fallen in love with. Even more suprising is that they were the ones who caused you to make this decision. It saddens you that you'll have to reject the two of them...

But that is the right thing to do, right? You can't possibly be with three guys at once. But listening to your heart very clearly on this very day and remaining minutes, you have decided who to pick. It was difficult but atleast you have the answer. All you have to do now is build up your courage and go to him.

You activated your ability and imitate a dog. Their scent was still faint so it's possible to find them, even in large crowd. Before you can took off, you stopped and think. What if you don't make it on time? This made you panic a little but then thought of an idea.

You closed your eyes and focused. Suddenly, your dog tail began to turn into a cat but the only difference is that it has black spots on it similar to a cheetah's. After you transformation was finished and you imitated you then prepared sprint.

And you took off...West.


With your speed fast as a cheetah and your increased smelling sense, you ran through the crowd, not caring if the people see you. It's not like there's much people to see you anyway, it's almost sunset and people are coming back to their own home. Still, even if there is many people in your way, they can barely noticed you, all because you were too fast for their heads to process.

You paused for awhile and looked around. Still no sign of him. Knowing he's not in this particular place, you started running once again.

After a few minutes, the scent of that guy can be noticed. You slowed down and panted, you turned to him, who's back was facing you.

"Killua...?" You called.

Killua turned around shock. "(Y-Y/N)!?" He said, shocked. "Y-You came!?"

You smiled and went over to him. "Do you not want me to?"

Killua blushed and widen his eyes. "N-No! It's not like that!" He said and looked away, scratching his cheek. "It's just I'm really, really happy, okay..." He said.

You blushed and hugged Killua, which made the boy's face turn redder as it was but didn't complain. You let go of Killua and took a deep breath.

"K-Killua! I know it's a bit too late to say this but..." You started. "I really like you!"

"I like everything about you. Your eyes, your hair, your personality, your attitude and mostly your smile." You confessed. "I don't even think it's 'Like' anymore, I guess it's 'love'? So, I hope you still feel the same towards me!"

Killua blushed and scratched his hair. He looked away before flicking your forehead with his finger, painfully. "Idiot." He said.

You covered your forehead with your hand in pain. "W-What was that for?"

"For being an idiot." He said. You looked at him, looking offended and confuse.

"Do you think I can move on easily with you? Don't be stupid, of course I can't!" He said. "What you said earlier about you like everything about me, that was supposed to be my line!"

"I love you and I always will!" He said, with a blush on his face.

You blushed slightly and a gave Killua a gentle smile. "..." You stayed quiet while giving him your smile. Killua tried to avoid eye contact by looking everywhere but soon, he got frustrated and looked at you.

"Hey! Don't just smile and look at me! Say something!" Killua said. His face redder than a tomato.

You giggled at his cute blushing face. "I'm sorry, Killua." You apologized. "You're just too cute."

Those words echoed into Killua's head, repeating over and over again. Killua internally screamed as he placed his hands over his head, embarassed. "I'm not cute! I'm cool!" He said, denying everything about the cute part while you just gave him an innocent smile.

"I'm cool! Not cute! I'm coo-" he was cut off, by you leaning onto his face and giving him a peck on the lips.

You laughed at Killua's suprised face. Killua touched his lips and puted at you. While you were busy laughing, he grabbed your shoulders and slammed his lips onto you.

Now, it's your turn to be shocked. You were dumfounded but when you got hold of the situation, you slowly kissed him back.

You both enjoyed the wonderful feeling and slowly parted away from each other with blush all over your faces.

Killua looked at you with a serious look. "J-Just so you know, I kissed you because I love you." He said.

You blinked at him and began laughing once again. Which caused the boy's blush to be activated once again. "W-What!?" He yelled.

"Nothing!" You said as you calmed your laughter. "It's just that I actually saw those rare events where your not being a tsundere like always!"

Killua widen his eyes, pouted and looked down. You giggled once again and grabbed his hand and entertwined it with yours, making him look at you, suprise and confuse.

"Don't worry. I still love your original tsun tsun side! In fact, I love it more because that's who you are! The tsundere but cool Killua Zoldyck!" You said, proudly. "And I love him very much!"

Killua looked at you, eyes wide but smiled and hugged you. "Idiot..." He said as you hugged back.


"It seems that (Y/N) isn't here and the time's up." Kurapika said, looking away from his watch.

He then looked at the sunset. "It's quite difficult to guess which one she picked between Gon and Killua, since they are best friends." He thought. "But whoever she chose, I believe that she is happy with him."

Kurapika smiled. "And I'm happy as long as (Y/N) is happy..."


"Oh. It's already one hour." Gon said as looked at his watch while sitting on a bench, kicking his legs back and forth. "Guess that's a rejection from (Y/N), then!"

Smiling, Gon stood up from his sit and looked at the sun that's setting. Suddenly, Gon felt something wet came out from his eyes and fell down the ground.

"?" Gon exclaimed as he realised he's crying. He wiped it and smiled. "Hehe, I wonder why I'm crying? (Y/N) is with someone she's happy right now. I should probably be happy fro her too."

"Plus, it's one of my two best friends and not just some guy I don't know." He said to himself.

He calmed his emotion and sighed. "Well, time to go~!" He turned around on his heels and left the place he was in.

A/N :

Uwaah~! Deep breaths! Deep breaths, Candy! You've done it! You can finally laze around!


I mean, no! No, you can't laze around! You still have Kurapika waiting for his ending with (Y/N)-chan!

Well, here it is! Killua's ending! Thanks so much for waiting! I am also very thankful for everyone of you because I just reach 100k views on this book and 270 followers! Thank you! That means so much to me! You've all made Candy so happy! (((o(**)o)))

Anyway, as you all know, there's this new HXH watty awards and I wanted to ask you guys, should I apply for this? Cause I'll need you guys' approval for this.

But if so, I just had one tiny problem. How do you apply for the HXH watty awards? (・ω・)

Feel free to answer my stupid question on the comments cause Candy's dumb and can't do anything right. ()


**Please Wait Patiently For Kurapika's Ending**

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now