Chapter Eleven : Phase Three Part Three

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~Chapter Eleven : Phase Three Part Three~


After Kurapika defeated Majitani, Kurapika wore back his outer clothing and got his bokken swords and returned back to all of you, looking stressed.

"Are you alright?" You asked, concerned, not caring about how mad he is earlier.

"Yeah, I'm not injured..." He said.

Leorio seemed hesitant. "I-Is it okay for us to come near you?" He asked, nervously.

Kurapika just put his hand to his head, avoiding Leorio's question. "From the moment I saw him, I knew he was weak." Kurapika said. "And mentally, I knew that the tattoo was fake, but as soon as I saw the spider everything turned red." Kurapika said.

You, Gon and Leorio leaned in to hear more while Killua and Tonpa just stayed in their place, listening. "The truth is that...Even when I see a normal spider, my personality changes and I enter a frenzy."

You all opened your mouth in agape. "Y-You should've told that to us ealier..." Leorio said, nervously.

Kurapika walked towards the wall and sat down. "But this means that, the rage in me still remains stronger than ever. I should be happy about it..." Kurapika said as he ducked his head on his arms, stressly.

You all looked at him. "I guess we need to keep Kurapika away from spiders..." You heard Gon whisper. You and the others nodded. "Definitely."

You sweatdropped but sighed in relief. "Good thing I can't immitate a spider...Spiders are not animals anyway, they're bugs, I think...?" You thought.

You all decide to leave Kurapika alone for now since he looked like he needed time alone and looked back across of you.

There, another prisoner appeared from across the room but her shackles were still in her hands, locked and her sheet were still over her body.

Leorio stepped forward as he decided himself he will be the next combatant.

"Okay! I'll secure our victory!" Leorio declared. "Now, move that guy out of here and send in your next prisoner!" Leorio yelled.

"We can't." A female voice was heard on the other side, indicating that Leorio's opponent will be a female. "The battle isn't over yet." She said as walked over to the Majitani's unconcisious body and touched it.

"He's still alive. He's just unconcisious." She said, making all of you widen your eyes. "Didn't you remember? The method was a death match. The fight doesn't end until one surrenders or die." She reminded all of you as she stood up. "He's not dead and he hasn't surrendered yet." She said as she walked back to the other prisoners with a giggle.

"Tsk. Damn technicalities..." Leorio muttered.

"Well, she's right." Killua said.

"I agree..." Gon said.

You turned to Leorio. "Just a little patience, okay?" You said, smiling slightly.

Leorio turned away and let out a "Tch." He turned to Kurapika. "Hey, Kurapika! Go back in there and finish off that worthless trash!" Leorio said.

Kurapika only looked up at Leorio then, closed his eyes. "I refuse." Kurapika said.

"Huh?" Leorio stayed there for awhile. On the seconds he was not moving, you slowly backed away from him and walk backwards beside Killua, expecting him to let out a loud protest.

"WHY!?" Leorio yelled. Okay, it wasn't as loud as you expected it to be, but still.

"The fight is over." Kurapika simply said. "When I punched him, he already lose all of his will to fight." Kurapika said. "I never fight anyone who's lost."

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now