Chapter Forty Two : Gon's Ending

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~Chapter Forty Two : Gon's Ending~


As the boys leave you to make your own decision, you stood on the ground with mixed emotions running through your mind. You cannot believe that this is finally happening. The day where you are finally gonna pick which one of the three boys you have fallen in love with. Even more suprising is that they were the ones who caused you to make this decision. It saddens you that you'll have to reject the two of them...

But that is the right thing to do, right? You can't possibly be with three guys at once. But listening to your heart very clearly on this very day and remaining minutes, you have decided who to pick. It was difficult but atleast you have the answer. All you have to do now is build up your courage and go to him.

You activated your ability and imitate a dog. Their scent was still faint so it's possible to find them, even in large crowd. Before you can took off, you stopped and think. What if you don't make it on time? This made you panic a little but then thought of an idea.

You closed your eyes and focused. Suddenly, your dog tail began to turn into a cat but the only difference is that it has black spots on it similar to a cheetah's. After you transformation was finished and you imitated you then prepared sprint.

And you took off...North.


With your speed fast as a cheetah and your increased smelling sense, you ran through the crowd, not caring if the people see you. It's not like there's much people to see you anyway, it's almost sunset and people are coming back to their own home. Still, even if there is many people in your way, they can barely noticed you, all because you were too fast for their heads to process.

You paused for awhile and looked around. Still no sign of him. Knowing he's not in this particular place, you started running once again.

After a few minutes, the scent of that guy can be noticed. You slowed down and panted, you turned to him, who's back was facing you.

"Gon!" You called, panting.

Gon's suprised chocolate brown eyes turned to you. "(Y/N)...?" He muttered, unsure if this is an hallucination or not.

He went over to you, eyes widen, as if he can't believe that this was actually happening. He caressed your cheek and a warm smile appeared in his face along with a blush. "You're here! You're actually here!" He said.

With that, he buried you on his chest and hugged you. You were suprised at first but smiled and hugged him back.

You both hugged for awhile and eventually parted. You stared at him with a blush and he stared back at you. You then put on a confident face and looked at Gon.

"G-Gon..." You called, receiving a hum as a response. "I want to tell this to you properly..."

"I...I have fell in love with you." You said. "I'm sorry for not realising this fast enough. But I hope that you still feel the same way about me!"

Gon blinked and gave you a grin. "What are you talking about? Of course, I still feel the same way about you!" He said. "It's not easy to stop loving (Y/N), you know!"

You blushed as he hugged you again. You smiled widely and hugged him back.

Gon then parted his hug with you and looked deep into your eyes. You can see a blush on his face. You tilted your head sidewards, wondering why he's blushing. "Is something wrong, Gon?" You asked.

He shooked his head. "No, there's nothing..." He said as he looked away. "But..."

"C-Can I kiss you?" He asked while you blushed deeply. "On the lips?"

You widen your eyes and blush pure red. Who would've thought that the innocent Gon will ask you that kind of question? You looked away and turned back to him before giving a shy nod.

Gon smiled and leaned into you slowly, while you slowly looked up at him. Both of your faces were red as your lips and Gon's were just an inch away from each other.

Gon was the one who closed the gap between the two of you. You kissed back and Gon hugged your waist. It was a simple but adorable kiss between the two of you.

After a few seconds, the two of you parted slowly. You both looked at each other with a blush on each of your face. Then, the two of you giggled and laughed.

The two of you stand, side to side and hold your hands tightly, watching the sunset. "I need to say sorry to Killua and Kurapika..." You thought as you looked at Gon and smiled. "But for now, I wanted to be with Gon for awhile..."


"Time's up..." Killua said as he looked at his watch. "Well, I don't see (Y/N) anywhere near so..."

Killua then sighed and sat on a bench. "I wonder which one she chose?" He asked, himself.

Without him realising, a single tear dropped from his tear. He quickly wiped it and chuckled. "Good job, (Y/N)...You found him.." He said as he looked at the sunset.

"But you know, it's kinda hard to let you go so..." Killua thought. "If that guy hurts you, I'll be there for you, as a friend or something else..."


"It seems that (Y/N) isn't here and the time's up." Kurapika said, looking away from his watch.

He then looked at the sunset. "It's quite difficult to guess which one she picked between Gon and Killua, since they are best friends." He thought. "But whoever she chose, I believe that she is happy with him."

Kurapika smiled. "And I'm happy as long as (Y/N) is happy..."

A/N :

I know! It's a poopy ending for Gon! Don't hate me! I did my best to please Gon fangirls out there! I'm sorry if this disappoints you! It's short too (;_;)...

But I finished Gon's ending! And that's what matters, right? I'll update Killua and Kurapika's ending as soon as possible! So please wait for it!


**Please Wait Patiently For Killua's Ending**

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now