Chapter Fifteen : Phase Four Part Two

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~Chapter Fifteen : Phase Four Part Two~


Morning came as the sun rise, slowly covering everything with it's shine. Including the little you, who was sleeping peacefully in a tree branch. Once the sun's shine reached your face, you slowly open your eyes, allowing everything to see your (E/C) eyes.

You yawned and put a hand inside your pocket. You smiled at yourself as you realize your and your target's tag was still inside it. You stood up and look around.

You smiled as you found a nearby river. "I could wash my face there!" You thought as you jumped to down to the tree and ran towards the direction where the river is. "I'm suprised no one noticed me sleeping there." You thought

After a minute or two, you reached the river. You crouched down and splashed water on your face. After that, you shook your face, making the water that's left on your face go away.

You sighed, happily as fresh wind came and hit your whole body. "Mornings are great!" You said as you stretched your arms.

After stretching, you walked away from the river and start to walked around the forest, hoping to find atleast one of your friends.


Days have passed and you still haven't found any of your friends. Well, you ran into some applicants whose searching for their targets along the way but you simply kept moving while hiding yourself away from them. You sighed.

"I still have three more days huh?" You said to yourself. "I kinda wish I didn't find my target at the first day of hunting... It's boring without Gon, Killua, Kurapika and Leorio..."

Then, a gush of wind passed you, you looked up and even though it's just for a split second, you saw a flying ID tag.

You widen your eyes and looked to it's direction. Then, you just shrugged and turned to to the direction where it came from. "I wonder what that's all about." You said. "Well, might as well know where it came from."

You kept running, then stopped when you encounter three familiar brothers. They frustrated and angry. "What happened here?" You thought.

You widen your eyes as you realised one of them was Killua's target. "Ah! Killua must be nearby!" You thought as you about to walk passed the brothers to find Killua.

"Hey! Little girl!" You heard one of the brothers said. You turned around, confuse. "Hm?" You exclaimed.

"Give me your tag!" The one whose wearing a blue shirt said.

"Why? Am I your target?" You asked, innocently.

"No...But still!" He said as he smirked. "If it weren't for that kid, we wouldn't take your tag, so give it!" He said.

You smiled. ""Kid"? Is that kid's target happens to be #199?" You asked, ignoring he's threat.

The guy widen his eyes. "Yeah...Do you know that brat?" He asked.

"It's one of my friends!" You said and turned around. "Well, bye guys! I need to get moving seriously!" You said as you ran away.

"Hey! Little girl! Don't distract us! We still need your tag!" One said. "Get back here." They said as they ran after you.

You ran faster and looked behind you, to see them running as fast as they can. You pouted. "They're so persistant." You said as you looked infront of you again. "Didn't they realise that they need to collect atleast 12 tags for all of them and not just mine?"

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now