Chapter Twenty Nine : Blackmail

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~Chapter Twenty Nine : Blackmail~


After two months of Gon not having to use Nen and that little confession incident between the three of you, Wing has called you, Gon and Killua to his home once again.

You're all currently standing infront of Wing who is smiling at Gon. "Gon-kun, Killua-kun, (Y/N)-san." Wing called. "Starting today, you'll train with Zushi."

"Gon-kun, I am pleased that you kept your words." Wing smiled.

Gon smiled as well. "It's all thanks to the thread of promise." Gon said as he lifted his pinky finger which the blue wire-like was tied. "To be honest, I almost gave in but when I look at this thread, I was able to control myself."

"That's because I added some Nen to help you." Wing said.

Gon looked up, suprised. "Eh!? Really!?" He exclaimed.

Wing smiled. "Nope, I was lying." He said, making you, Gon and Killua sweatdropped.

"Hey, how would you know if he kept his word?" Killua asked as he pointed to Gon. "He could have been using Ten in secret." He said, making Gon pout with a vein on his forehead for not trusting him.

"Because the thread of promise become intact." Wing explained. "Gon-kun, it's been a while but could you try and use Ten?"

"Oh, okay." Gon said as he clenched his fist. "It's been a while alright...I wonder if I can even do this?" He said.

You put a hand on his shoulder. "You can do it." You said, cheering him on. You also smiled at Killua when you noticed he pulled a face that completely says "Crap. Do I remember how to do this?".

Gon smiled and nodded. He then closed his eyes and began to concentrate on using Ten. You and everybody else watched as aura began to flow in his entire body.

Wing smiled. "Zushi, what do you think?" He asked Zushi.

"I-It's amazing!" Zushi said. "It's soft and calm but yet so very strong!"

Gon opened his eyes and smiled widely. "I did it!" He said as he sighed in relief. "Whew, I thought I've forgotten how to use it!"

Wing smiled. "Once you learn how to use Nen, you can't forget it." Wing explained. "However, to become a master, you'll have to train hard."

"But it felt easier than before." Gon pointed out. "Despite having to not use Ten for awhile."

"That's because you were training your spirit everyday." Wing explained. "Now, look at your left hand."

Gon looked at his left hand and widen his eyes that made you and Killua curious on what happen so you both lean over to his left hand. Once you both saw the thread the two of you widen your eyes as well.

"It snapped!" Gon exclaimed.

"By applying my own Nen, I tied the thread such that if you broke your promise and use Nen, it would snap." Wing explained.

"Whoa. That's so cool, I didn't know Nen can do much more than just protection and attack." You thought.

"Hey, Wing-san." Killua called. "Did you watched Hisoka and Kastro's fight?"

"Yes, I did." Wing answered.

"What was the ability Hisoka used?" Killua asked. "Could we send loose limbs flying around?"

"Hmm, that's quite a difficult question." Wing said and turned to Gon and you. "Gon-kun, (Y/N)-san, have you watched the match yet?"

You and Gon looked at each other and turned back to Wing and shooked your heads, no.

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now