Chapter Eighteen : Kukuroo Mountain

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~Chapter Eighteen : Kukuroo Mountain~


"You both make it sound like I kidnapped him or something..." Illumi said, expresionless. "He walked away on his own."

"But aren't those the same?" You said. "Failing the exam isn't his choice!"

"He was manipulated by you people!" Gon yelled. "It's the same as kidnapping!"

Then, you all heard a sound of wooden sandals. You all looked infront to see Netero. "We happened to be discussing this very subject, Gon, (Y/N)."

"Kurapika and Leorio have both lodged complaints." Netero. "The committee has been discussing the fairness of Killua's dissqualification."

Then, Kurapika stood up as if to protest something. "Killua has been acting in strange manner during and since his fight with the man who called himself Gittarackur!" Kurapika protested. "I believe that he was hypnotized into committing murder."

"Under normal circumtances, it would be impossible to use hypnosis to induce a person to kill." Kurapika continued. "However, Killua was raised in a family of assassins and murder was part of his daily life so it's natural for him to lack the ethical restraint of most!"

Then, Leorio stood up. "I wanted to mention the attack that happened between Bodoro and I. It's possible that Killua was trying to help me." Leorio said. "Given that, Killua shouldn't be the one who's disqualified but me!" Leorio said as he pointed to himself.

"In any case, Killua was not in control of his own actions thus, he should not be disqualified!" Kurapika said.

Netero just turned away and walk back to his podium. "This is mere speculation. There is no proof." Netero said. "There was no clear signs of manipulation. In fact, I would question the claim that he was hypnotized." Netero said, making Kurapika suprised.

"I agree that the incident occured after the battle between Leorio and Bodoro had begun." Netero said. "At that point, both fighters were evenly matched. Bodoro had more experience but in terms of raw combat battle, Leorio was stronger. There was no need for Killua to interfere." Netero said as Leorio turned to the other side.

"There's some other funny business going around here." Pokkle said as he turned to look at Kurapika. "Like when you fought Hisoka."

"Back then, what did he say to you?" Pokkle asked as he sat down to the table. "None of you seemed particularly tired, but Hisoka whispered something in your ear just after conceding. That's strange."

"I understand surrendering after your opponent whispering something to you, as what happened to (Y/N), Hanzo and me, as Hisoka and Bodoro. Because we were under considerable pressure." Pokkle said. "But in your case, the exact opposite happened. I have to wonder if you struck in some sort of bargain."

"If you're going to question anything that seems odd. Your victory was quite odd as well." Pokkle said "If you have nothing to hide, you should tell us what he said. Right now."

Kurapika looked at him. "I have no obligation to tell you."

"Maybe not, but I believe you owe it to us." Pokkle said.

"Not really." Kurapika said, calmly and looked away. "If you consider my vistory to be odd, a victory by default would be equally odd." Kurapika said as he reminded him of his "fight" against Killua.

That angered Pokkle and stood up to the table his sitting at. "What!?" He said as Kurapika calmly looked at him.

"None of that matters..." You heard Gon muttered really quietly but you still heard. You didn't say anything because you felt the same way.

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now