Chapter Twenty Eight : Understanding

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~Chapter Twenty Eight : Understanding~


You ran around to the whole building of the Heaven's Arena, despertally trying to find Killua who just overheard your conversation with Gon thus, misunderstanding the whole situation.

"Killua!" You called, ignoring the weird stares the people give you.

You activated your dog powers, replacing your rabbit ones and sniffed the air. "Killua's scent is still faint, he's been here." You thought as you ran around. "But I can't see him..."

You kept running until you've reached the Heaven's Arena exit, you looked up and it's still raining hard. "This is bad, my dog nose won't be too useful in the rain..." You thought as you narrowed your eyebrows. "So the only animal I can control and use is..."

You then replaced your dog appearance to a cat. You looked up once again and smiled. "Oh, well..." You thought and ran through the rain.

You then snapped open your eyes, using your powers and looked around. You then smiled when you found a certain sight from far far away. It was Killua, leaning his back into a tree, looking down.

You quickly ran towards the location his in and after a good 5 minutes of running, you finally reached the location. It was a park, strangely enough, it was the park you've been in earlier. You looked around and found Killua in the exact same spot you found him in, soaked to the skin.

You slowly approahed him, careful to not make any unnecessary move. You fidget with your fingers and looked at Killua. You can't really tell what kind of expression his making right now, because he's looking down, making his bangs cover his eyes. His lips were closed tightly so it doesn't really help at all.

"Killua..." You called, breaking the silence. The said guy didn't looked up but he seemed like he heard you. "Killua, the sight you saw earlier, it really wasn't what you think..." You explained, this time, Killua slightly flinched.

"I'm just comforting Gon, that's all..." You said. "D-Don't misunderstand..."

Killua stayed silent for a while and so did you. Then, to your suprise, Killua smirked. "I didn't..." He said. "I'm just stupid..."

You looked at him confused. "Huh?" You exclaimed, confused.

Killua then put his hand on his forehead and chuckled slightly. "I'm stupid to ran away like that..." He muttered. "...When I already know something like this would happen any time..."

You widen your eyes at him. "What do you mean?" You asked. "Did you know that this will happen?"

Killua nodded. "Because, I'm Gon's bestfriend, remember?" He said. "Of course we knew each other's secrets."

"Oh..." You said as you looked down.

Then, Killua looked up to the dark, rainy sky, allowing drops of the rain fall on his face. "But I don't know why I still find this so painful..." He said, making you looked up.

Killua bit his bottom lip and suddenly you widen your eyes as you a drop of tear escaped from Killua's eyes. The tear was barely visible because of the rain. But you can tell the drop came from Killua's eyes, not because of your powers but because of the sorrowful look in his face. That's the face of someone who wanted to cry there eyes out but don't want to destroy their pride at the same time so they just let it fall, without them noticing. That's Killua alright.

"I don't know..." Killua said as he looked at you. "I don't know!" He yelled as more tears came out from his eyes.

Killua wiped his tears with his sleeve and looked back at you. "Oh, that's right!" He said as he smiled sarcastically. "Because I have the same f*cking feeling that Gon and Kurapika feels about you!"

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now