Chapter Twenty : Killua's Family

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~Chapter Twenty : Killua's Family~


Zebro chuckled. "We understand." He said. "Then, how about you all do some training here?" He offered.

"Training?" You and Gon asked.

"Hey, Zebro..." Seaquant protested.

Zebro ignored him and turned to the both of you. "Listen here, (Y/N)-san, Gon-kun," Zebro started. "You four can all work together to open the first gate."

"With a little bit of training, it should be possible. How about it?" Zebro suggested.

You and Gon looked at each other and looked at Kurapika and Leorio. "I don't like the feeling of being tested..." Gon started.

"But if this is what we have to do to to save Killua..." You continued.

"And if we don't have any choice..." Kurapika continued.

"Then, we'll have to do it!" Leorio finished.

Zebro smiled and walk off to grab something. "Then, I need the four of you to wear this." He said as you stood up and walked over to Zebro.

Zebro gave the each of you a black vest but to all of your suprise, the vest was heavier than it looks. In fact, it's so heavy, you barely can't lift it at all.

Leorio was the one who put it on already and was struggling to walk. "H-How is this so heavy?" Leorio asked.

"Those vest weights fifty kilograms. Please wear it all the time except when you are asleep." Zebro said, making Leorio widen his eyes in shock. "I'll make it heavier as you get use to it."

Once you all manage to put on the vests, you all sat down on a chair as Zebro gave each of you a cup of tea. "Here, have some tea." He offered.

You all placed your hands to the cup and use all of your strength to lift but it none of you succeeded in doing so.

"Those teacups weights twenty kilograms while this teapot weights forty kilograms." Zebro explained. "All the furniture and utensils here weights atleast twenty kilograms."

"I see...So this will serve as training..." Kurapika muttered.

"It's useless." You all heard Seaquant say. "They'll give up in two or three days." He said, making veins appear on Leorio's forehead.

"Sequant, I believe you shift has already started." Zebro scolded.

"Oh, right..." Seaquant said in realisation and leaved the living room.

"I'm so sorry about him. He isn't a bad person." Zebro apologized.

Leorio struggled to stand up because of the fifty kilogram vest and turned to Zebro. "W-Where's the bathroom?" He asked.

"Right, over there." Zebro pointed to the side.

Leorio looked at the bathroom door and his face turned purple. "That door...Don't tell me that's..." Leorio trailed off.

Zebro smiled. "Yes, it weights five hundred kilograms."

Leorio turned even more purple. "Five hundred!? What!? No way! I can't hold it!"

~Killua's Situation~

Footsteps was heard in the hallways of the Zoldyck family'a mansion. One sounded like the traditional Japanese sandals and one seems to be sounding like a pair of high heels.

One was woman with a fancy dress that reaches to the ground and a fancy hat decorated with bunch of expensive looking stuff. Her face was concealed with bandages showing only her mouth. There is some kind of digital technology in her face where her eyes should be and that is what she must've been using to see.

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now