Chapter Fourteen : Phase Four Part One

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~Chapter Fourteen : Phase Four Part One~


After all of you reached the trick tower's base. You were all send outside, meeting the warmth of the sun once again. There were twenty-five applicants who passed the exam's third phase.

Then, a man who have too-big-for-eyes glasses and has a pink mohawk for a hairstyle.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Congratulations for passing the third phase of the exam." He said. "There is only the fourth phase and the final phase left."

"Two more..." Hanzo muttered.

Then, the man, who you assumed to be Lippo, pointed the small island behind him. "The fourth phase will be taken there. At Zevil Island. Let us proceed." He said as he snapped his fingers.

An assistant walked near Lippo, pushing a cart of some sort. "I will need you to draw lots."

The applicants started to whisper. "Lots?" One repeated.

"For what?" A guy from behind, who you think is named Pokkle said.

"To determine who will hunt and who will be hunted." Lippo said as he pointed to the box on the cart. "In here, we have twenty-five cards. In other words, your ID numbers are on the cards."

"Now, I need you each to draw a card." Lippo said. "In order by which you exited the tower. So, will the first person come forward?" Lippo said.

People looked to know who was the first and stopped when Hisoka was moving forward and drawing a card. Once he got a card, he returned back to the crowd.

Then, the next one is the applicant that have nails stuck in his head. Then, the ninja guy and so on and so on to the point it's almost your turn.

While waiting, you and Killua heard gon spoke up. "Hey, Killua, (Y/N)?" He said.

"Hmm?" You both said as you both looked at Gon.

"When we said "To determine who will be hunting and who will be hunted", does that mean we have to fight each other?" Gon asked.

"Probably so..." Killua said, moving forward as it was his turn.

"Well, in my opinion, "Fighting" isn't the word that fit. More like "Hunting"." You smiled as you move forward after Killua draw a card.

You put your hands inside the box and searched the nearest card you can find. Once you did, you grabbed it and pulled it out. You looked at it and noticed it was blank. You shrugged and went back to the crowd.

Atfter a few seconds, after Tonpa, the last applicant to draw a card, finished, Lippo spoke up again. "I assume everyone has taken a card?" Lippo asked. Nobody answered so Lippo took it as a "Yes". "Then, remove the seal from your card."

"Oh, there's a seal..." You thought. "I didn't noticed. I thought it's all blank..." You thought as you put your hand at the side of the card and pulled the seal off.


You looked at the number on your card, confused. "Who is #89? I don't recognize this number at all..." You thought.

"That number indicates your target." Lippo said.

Everybody began whispering and hiding their plate numbers. You sweatdropped. "How can I find my target when I don't even know who is this?" You thought but sighed. "Well, I'll just be happy I didn't pick one of my friends." You thought.

"This box has just recorder everyone of the card you each drew." Lippo said. "This means you're free to dipose you're card if you want to." Lippo said.

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now