Chapter Thirty : Payback

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~Chapter Thirty : Payback~


You snapped open your eyes and sat up to your bed. You looked around and saw everything dark. You touched the surface you're sitting on and figured it's a bed, more importantly, it feels like your bed. Soft and comfy. You activated your cat eyes to see in the dark and just as you thought, you were inside your room.

You sighed and disactivated you cat eyes. You turned to the side of your bed and find your lamp. Once you found it, you turn it on, allowing a bit of light come in your room.

You tried to sat up from your bed but quickly sat down and gripped your abdomen. "O-Ow..." You moaned.

"I remember now, I was trying to save Zushi from Sadaso but because of my carelessness, someone hit me on the stromach." You thought and looked up. "Then...What? Did someone saved me?" You asked in your head.

You then looked down. "But forget who my savour is for now, I feel like poop when I'm defeated like that..." You thought. "What happen to Zushi? They're planning on using Zushi to fight with us, right?"

You then looked at the clock. The clock shows that it's 11:30. "I still have time to register for a fight." You thought as you tried your best to stand up.

With a little effort, you managed to stand up on your feet however your stomach still gave you a little bit of pain. Once you adjusted to the pain, you began walking towards your door and opened it. You then, walked to the receptionist's desk.

The receptionist was the same blue-haired girl you, Gon and Killua met on your first days on the 200s. She looked at you and smiled. "Oh, you're one of those kids! Is there something you want?" She asked.

"Hello. Yes, can I register for a fight?" You asked.

The girl took out some papers. "Okay, but first, who do you like to fight?" You asked.

"A guy named Sadaso." You said.

The girl looked at the papers for awhile and after a few seconds, her expression turned to suprise. "That's weird, it says here that Sadaso already registered a fight with you on May 31th." She said.

You widen your eyes. "What?" You asked. "Really?"

The girl nodded. "Yes, and it was registered just a few hours ago." She said.

"Oh..." You said. "Then, there's no need for me to sign for a fight, now right?"

"Yes, your fight with him will be at May 31th, are you okay with that?" She asked.

You nodded. "Yes, I am." You said.

"Then, it's decided." She said.

You smiled at her. "Thank you, well, goodbye now." You said as you waved at her and walked back to your room.

Once you reached your room, you opened your lights and stand in the middle of your room. You closed your eyes and began practicing your Ten. "I need to get stronger..." You thought. "So I can protect myself and others..."

You then released a strong aura and tried your hardest to focused them around your eyes. A few drop of sweat fell from your forehead as you did so. "Come on, (Y/N)! If you can't learn Gyo, then you can't achieve that thought!" You thought to yourself.

Then, your aura disappeared around your body and you snapped open your eyes as they all been transferred to your eyes.



It was the middle of the day, Killua came out of the Heaven's Arena, wearing a complete different outfit and a purple hat that is coveing his eyes. He was going to Wing's home as he just learned the technique that might suprised everyone or atleast that's what he thought.

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now