Chapter One : Departure

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~Chapter One : Departure~

~8 years old~

The little you were walking peacefully around your school. But then you heard sobbing coming from the back of the school. Peaking behind a wall, you saw a fragile-looking little girl, younger than you, crying, not loudly but loud enough for you to hear. You became concerned and walked towards the poor girl.

"What's wrong, little girl?" You asked concerned.

The little girl looked a little startled but soon relaxed to see your comforting concerned face. She, then, pointed towards the top of the big tree infront of both of you. "M-My balloon flew and got stuck there..." She said, sobbing.

You smiled at her and rubbed her back, comfortably and gave her a thumbs up. "Don't worry, big sister is going to get it for you!" You said, smiling and walked towars the big tree.

You tilted your face and think. "What kind of animal is good at climbing trees?" You asked yourself. After a few seconds, you snapped your fingers. "Ah! A squirrel!" You thought.

Just then, a tail that resembles a squirrel's appeared behind your back and a pair of squirrel ears appeared on your head causing the little girl to fell on her butt at suprised.

You, then, jumped and grasp the tree and continued jumping until you reached the top where the balloon is and untied the string of the balloon.

You jumped back down, carefully with the balloon on your hands and walked towards the little girl.

"Here you g-" you stopped when you noticed the girl has a scared look and trembling in fear.

"MOMMY!" The little girl yelled with tears falling from her face and cause people to hear her. "THERE'S A MONSTER!" She yelled, which shocked you and accidentally let go of the balloon.

"Wait, I'm not a-" you tried to tell her but unfortunately, people began to come over and saw you. You forgot that you still have your squirrel ears and tail.

"The little girl's right! There's a monster here!" A guy yelled and a woman came out of the crowd and grabbed the little girl you were trying to help.

"Stay away from my child, monster!" The woman said.

"I'm not a mon-" you tried calling again but a guy throw a rock on you and hit you in the forehead, hard.

"Ouch!" You exclaimed as you put your hands at your forehead. Tears began to appear on your eyes.

People started throw more rocks at you. You used your large squirrel tail as a shield. When you soon reached your limit, you jumped to a tree to escaped the people and jumped to another tree.

When you reached the surface you ran as fast as you can to your and Yumi, your guardian's house. You noticed people where still chasing you when you looked behind you.

Once you reached your and Yumi's house, you immediatly barged inside, startling Yumi who was cleaning the shelves. She noticed that you had a bruise on your forehead and ran to you. Then, when she was close enough, she noticed your squirrel ears and tail.

"(Y/N)..." She whispered.

You turned to her with tears on your eyes and hugged her waist. "Yumi-san...Please help me..." You whispered, voice cracking.

"What's wrong? Why do you have ears and tail of a squirrel? Why do you have a bruise on your forehead?" Yumi said, concerned.

"The peop-" you tried to say but got cut off by a loud yell outside.

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now