Chapter Eight : Adventure in the Airship Part Two

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~Chapter Eight : Adventure in Airship Part Two~


After Killua accepted to participate in the game, here you and the males now are now, in a padded room, probably to prevent pain when someone hit the wall or something. The chairman was spinning a ball in his finger.

"Let me explain the rules of this game." Netero started. "If you can take this ball from me before this airship reached it's destination, you win." Netero said. "You still have nine hours to do it."

"Of course, you're free to do any attack you want but I won't attack you back." Netero added.

"Eh? That's too easy! You can't call that a game!" Gon said.

"No, that's actually a hard objective. This old man is the hunter association's chairman after all." You thought.

"I'll go first!" You said.

"Go ahead." Netero said

"Eh!?" The boys exclaimed. "But-!"

You puffed your cheeks and slightly glare at them. "What?" You said.

The two boys trailed off and smiled nervously. "Good luck!" They said.

You smiled. "Thanks!"

You stand infront of Netero as he kept spinning the ball on his finger. "Okay, (Y/N), we need to get the ball from the chairman without using your powers." You thought.

(Warning : Candy sucks at writing action scenes. Anyway, if not good fighting scenes irritates you, you probably should skip this. I haven't actually planned this, sorry...)

Then, you dashed right at Netero and ran around him. You tried to grab the ball but Netero keeps on dodging.

You used a lot of athletic things just to try to get the ball, like back or front flipping. Once you felt like your getting a little frustrated, you unconsiously dashed towards him but jumped from the ceiling and to the wall. You were in a position like a cat who is protecting something.

You dashed right to Netero but never aimed at him but at the ball. Netero dodge again but didn't expect you to reappear behind him.

Once you reappear behind him, without him knowing, you raised your right hand, preparing to hit Netero.

But you stopped when the sharp nails appeared on your hand. You backed up quickly and calmed yourself down as you were panting.

"If you didn't stop right there, you could've gotten the ball. Why is it that you hesitated?" Netero asked.

You panted. "Something I don't want to show..." You said as Netero raised his eyebrows as well as Killua and Gon. Once you said that, you quickly regretted it. "Crap!" You thought.

"A-Anyway, I'm done." You said as yoh walked near Gon. Killua stood up and stretched. "Alright...My turn..." Killua said.

You sat next to Gon and watched Killua. While doing so, you didn't noticed Gon eyeing you intensily.

Then, Killua slowly walked and lot of image of him appeared. You watch in amazement and disbelief. "Woah! There's so many Killuas!" You exclaimed.

Gon looked to Killua and have the same reaction as you are. "You're right!"

Then, one Killua tried too attack Netero but the said guy seems to know what tehnique he used and easily dodged it. Killua started to attack fast but Netero dodged every single one of them. You look at Killua and noticed that he's getting frustrated.

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now