Chapter Sixteen : The Final Phase

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~Chapter Sixteen : The Final Phase~


Finally, another day has come and it's finally time for the last phase to begin. You and all the other applicants who managed to survive and pass all the phases was gathered together in a some kind of place.

Infront of all of you is the chairman of the Hunter association, Netero. On the side, there was a bunch of men in suit while on the other side was the phase examineers.

"Well, applicants." Netero started. "Did you all get plenty of rest?" He asked.

"This hotel is owned by the hunter exam selection committee. This place is all yours until the battles have concluded." Netero explained.

Then, an assistant appeared pushing a something with a cover on it. "For this final phase, we will be holding a one-on-one tournamet." Netero said as he pulled off the covers.

You all widen tour eyes to see an unusual bracket. "So only the last person standing pass?" Leorio asked.

"No." Netero said as he raises his index finger. "One win is all you need to pass." He said.

"One win?" Gon said, suprised.

"So, this tournament is..." Leorio trailed off.

"The winners are removed from the competition while the losers continue up the bracket." Netero explained as he pointed to the top of the bracket. "In other words, the one who will reach the top will be the one who will not pass."

"Do you understand now?" Netero asked.

"So you're saying that only one person will fail?" Hanzo asked.

"Exactly." Netero said as he pulled off the seal that's been covering the bracket. "And here is the bracket."

You look to find your name and picture. Once you found it, you look to see that you're fighting against applicant #53. Pokkle.

Ignoring your own fight, you look at Kurapika who's just right beside you once you saw his opponent was Hisoka. Kurapika's eyes were close and seemed perfectly calm.

"Impressive, right?" Netero said. "After all, everyone has atleast two chances to win." Netero said.

"But some people," Your opponent, Pokkle said. "Like #294 and #405 has five chances." He said.

"Why didn't you use a balanced bracket?" The kung-fu old man, Bodoro asked.

"A question that must be on everyone's mind." Netero said. "This bracket was assembled based on your performance throughout the exam. Those who performed better gets more chance." Netero explained.

Killua widen his eyes. "That doesn't sound right." He said as the chairman looked at him. "Can you explain on how you scored our performance?" Killua asked.

Netero just closed his eyes and smiled. Then, he shooked his head frantically. "No!" He yelled, sending shivers down your and Killua's spine.

Killua grew a vein. "Why not!?" He said.

Netero laughed. "The scores are classified information, so I can't tell you everything. But I can explain your methods." He said.

"First, we consider three major criteria :" Netero said as he raised three fingers. "Physical strength, mental strength and overall impression."

"For physical strength, we use an aggragate of agility, flexibility, endurance and preception." Netero said. "For mental strength, we use an aggragate of resillience, adaptibility, judgement and creativity. However this information is only used as a refrence point. After all, you were all strong enough to advance to the final phase."

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now