Chapter Two : The Hunter Exam

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~Chapter Two : The Hunter Exam~


You arrived at the hunter site and once you exitted the elevator people looked at you. Some were suprised to see a little girl at the hunter exam and some just didn't care. The tension was intense but unfortunately, you didn't feel it at all because of your cheerful aura.

"Here you go, your number plate." A green-bean said, which suprised you but just go along with it. "Thank you, sir!" You said, cheerfully.

You looked at your number plate and it noticed it has the number "400" in it.

"400!? Jeez, and here I am, thinking I'm early." You thought.

You wander around for a bit hoping to see someone you can hang out with but no luck, this is an exam where people need to be mean looking.

You sigh and was about to give up when you heard someone. "Hey there, You must be a rookie."

You turn to the direction of the voice and saw a fat man in a blue jumpsuit. You looked at his number plate. "'16'? Wow, he's early!" You thought.

"I'm Tonpa and this my 35th attempt of the hunter exam!" Tonpa said, cheerfully.

"Eh!? How can you be so cheerful with that, Tonpa-san!?" You asked, politely.

"Maybe the hunter exam's just fun, I think." He said. You looked at him with stars on your eyes. "He already attempt 35th times! Is the hunter exam that hard yet, fun!?" You thought.

"Anyway, as the sign of our acquintance, you can drink this." Tonpa as he handed you an orange can of juice. You beamed.

"Ah! Thanks!" You said as you politely got the can and opened it. Before you drink it, you sniffed it, secretly using your powers.

"I just hope my dog tail and ears doesn't come out." You thought. When you sniffed it, you immediatly put on a disgust face. "This doesn't smell like juice at all!" You thought.

"Tonpa-san, this juice must've expired! It smells weird!" You said, politely.

Tonpa have a shocked face and began sweating nervously. "Ah...Let's see..." He said as he got the can from you and pretend to look at the expiration date. "Ah! You're right! I'm sorry! I didn't noticed that it has gone expired!" Tonpa said.

You smiled at him. "It's okay! Good thing, I smelled it!" You said, cheerfully. "Well, don't drink those juice anymore! You can get a tummy ache! Bye!" You said as you walk away not noticing Tonpa's frustation.

You sat on the side of the tunnel of the hunter exam and waited for the exam to start. You're not really good at waiting and you're quite impatient so after 5 minutes, you sighed in frustration.

"Agh! It's so boring! When is this exam gonna start!" You thought, frustated.

Just then, the elevator opened, revealing 3 people inside. One blonde guy, one spiky greenish-black haired boy and one black haired guy that you didn't even know what age he is.

In there entrance, like you, people looked at them, including you. The two guys seem to feel the tension while the greenish-black haired boy didn't.

You watched them as they got there number plate. Once they finished, you smiled to yourself. "They don't look like mean...Maybe I can be friends with them!" You thought as you stood up. "Plus, the black-haired boy that has green highlights feels like were in the same age!" You thought.

Before you can reach them, someone beat you to it. It was none other than Tonpa. He was giving drinks to them exactly like the expired juice he attempted to give you earlier.

"I thought those juice were expired? Oh no, if those guys drink that, they'll get a tummy ache." You thought as you quickly try to ran towards them.

But, unfortunately, you trip on your feet because of panic. You slowly stood up and rub your nose. "Ow, ow, ow..." you said.

You look to the three guys and noticed they were about to sip the drink. "Ah! No!" You thought, standing up.

But to your suprise, the greenish-black haired boy spitted out the orange liquid.

"Tonpa-san, I think this juice is expired. It taste weird." He said as Tonpa looks nervous again and trying to think of another excuse.

You were suprised, people wouldnnt be able to taste and smell that without using a power like yours.You smiled and ran towards them, carefully, this time.

"I see...The juice has expi-" Tonpa started but interrupted by you.

"Tonpa-san, I told you that juice is expired! Why would you gave them the juice?" You scolded him.

Tonpa laughed nervously. "Haha...Well, sorry! Bye!" He said as he ran away.

"Seriously, why does he wanted people to drink that juice anyway? They could get a tummy ache with that!" You muttered.

You turned around and smiled at three boys who has staring at you. Well, the two of them isn't really staring but gazing.

"Umm...Hi!" You said, awkwardly.

The two guys blushed slightly after they realised they were gazing at you for too long.

"Hello!" The greenish-black haired boy said. "I'm Gon, Gon Freecs!" He said, reaching out his hands for you to shake. "And this is Leorio and Kurapika." He pointed behind him. The blonde, Kurapika, nodded at you and the black-haired, said a 'Yo' to you.

"I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)!" You said, cheerfully as you shook his hand.

"You have a great sense of taste! You can taste that the juice Tonpa-san gave was expired!" You complimented.

"Hehehe...I grew up in the mountains so I usually explored around woods." Gon said.

"Whoa! That's so cool! I grew up in a pet shop so I kinda behave like animals do." You said, rubbing the back of your head.

"I like animals too!" Gon said.

"Really?!" You said.

...And your chat with Gon continued. You two were having so much fun talking to each other until the giant wall opened, revealing a tall man with pink hair with his mouth not visible.

"We're sorry for waiting, the hunter exam will start now."

A/N :
So, How was that? Good? Bad? I don't care! Just kidding, I care. Anyway, please comment, vote and let me know if you want more! And if you do atleast one of those things, you will receive candies from Candy! Because you know, my name is Candy. Anyway, please do!

**Please Wait Patiently for Chapter Three**

Animal Cutie (Hunter X Hunter Fanfiction) [Killua X Reader X Gon X Kurapika]Where stories live. Discover now